Fakir at River Bank/ Saint Advice to King – Story abt Desires

Fakir at River Bank - Story about Desires

Story 1: Fakir at River Bank Waiting..! A fakir was sitting on the bank of the river. A man who was passing by, he came near fakir and asked, “Baba, What are you doing?” Fakir replied, “I am waiting for entire river water flow to end, so that i can cross it.” Man said, “What … Read more

Desire to Eat Dates – Sadhu Thoughts

Desire to Eat Dates - Sadhu Hard Work and Thoughts

Once upon a time, a Sadhu (Indian Monk) used to live in a hut outside village. One day while passing through market, he saw many basket and among them was basket of dates. Seeing those dates, desire to eat them arose in Sadhu’s mind. He had no money to buy them, so he controlled his … Read more

Monk Alms-pot Story – How to Pacify Human Desires

Monk Alms-pot Story - How to Pacify Human Desires

Once a monk came to King’s palace. It was King’s rule to fulfill any wish of the first person who came at his palace to ask for anything. So, King said to him, “Ask whatever you want..” Monk was carrying a small alms pot with him, holding it in his hand, he said, “Just fill … Read more

Five Monks Journey – Distractions and Destination

Five Monks Journey - Distractions and Destination

Once a lama who was working in a faraway valley, wrote a letter to chief of monastery. In letter he said, “Send one more lama, we need him here.” Chief called all his disciples and read that letter in front of them. Then he said, “I would like to send five of you.” One lama … Read more

King Yayati Curse – Desire and Realization Story

Story of King Yayati Curse - Desires and Realization of Life Truth

King Yayati was one of ancestors of Pandavas. He was well conversant with scriptures and had intense devotion towards God. He was utterly unacquainted with defeat. Nevertheless, cruel was his fate. He cheated his wife which angered his father-in-law Sukracharaya, who pronounced a curse on him. He cursed him with premature old age. Curse took … Read more

The Stonecutter and his Wishes..!

Stonecutter and his Wishes - Japanese Folktales about Desires

Once upon a time, lived a stonecutter, who would go to big mountain everyday and cut out slabs for houses. He was a very careful workman and had plenty of customers. For long he was happy and content. In mountains dwelt a spirit which appeared to stonecutter and asked him if he want anything. At … Read more

King’s Reaction – Disciple Test Story

Disciple Test Story - Last Initiation Test by Master and King Reaction Story

Once a disciple as going to be given his last initiation by his master. Once he passes his last initiation he would be declared enlightened. Disciple went to master and said, “I am ready. Please tell me what i have to do for my last initiation.” Master said, “You have to go to King, early … Read more

Burning Desire – Socrates Secret to Success

Story of Burning Desire - Socrates Secret to Success Motivational Story

Story 1: Socrates – Secret to Success Once a young man asked Socrates about secret to success. Socrates ask young man to meet him near river next morning. Young man came near river next morning. Socrates asked young man to walk with him towards the river. When water got up to their neck, Socrates took … Read more

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