Old Woman Cleaning Turtle Shell! Boy Question to Her

Old Woman Cleaning Turtle Shell! Boy Question to Her

Early morning, a boy used to go for a run. During his run he would pass by a pond. Somedays, he used to see an old lady, cleaning back of small turtles living at that pond. Boy saw her many times and started wondering what could be the reason. So, one day, boy went to … Read more

Tribe and Researcher Story – Afraid of Change

Tribe and Researcher Story - Afraid of Change

Once a scientific researcher came to know about a tribe which lived in deep forest and consisted of only 300 people but all blind. So, he went to forest and lived with tribe to understand them. He realized that they had no idea that they were blind as they had not known anybody with eyes, … Read more

Young Man Enlightenment Story

Young Man Enlightenment and Change Stories - Master Teaching Story

Once a young man belonging to a very rich and aristocratic family, came to Zen master. Young man told Master that he had known everything and indulged in every desire but then he got fed up with everything – fed up with women, wine, money. He said to Master, “Now, i am fed up with … Read more

Buddha and Criminal – Life Transformation Story

Life Transformation Stories - Desire and Intensity to Change Life Story

Once a man who was a well known criminal, sinner. One day he decided to go meet Buddha. He wanted to be initiated and wanted Buddha’s help but he was afraid people might not allow him to enter at his place. So, he decided to go at such time when there were not too many … Read more

Fakir Begging Bowl and Thief Story

Fakir Stories - Golden Begging Bowl and Thief Englightenment Moral Story

Once in Bharat, lived a naked fakir, Nagarjuna. he was famous and loved by all. Queen who ruled at that time, also admired and respected him a lot. One day she asked him to come to palace, to be guest. Fakir went. When he came, Queen asked him for favor. When Fakir met Queen, he … Read more

Action Speak Louder than Words..!!

Action Speaks Louder Than Words Story - Sweet Eating Habit Story With Lesson

Once there was a little boy became obsessed with eating sweets. His mother got worried because of his excessive sweet eating habit and tried many ways to stop him from eating. However nothing seemed to work. Near near village lived a wise man who was respected by everyone. So she decided to take him to … Read more

Judgement Stories – Old Man’s Horse

Moral Stories on Judgement - Judging Situations Short Stories to Share

Once there was an poor old man used to live in a village. He was poor yet even king’s were jealous of him because of a beautiful white horse he owned. He was offered fabulous prices and money to sell that horse but old man would refuse saying, “This is not just horse to me, … Read more

Transportation – Short Story on Policy Change..!!

Short Stories on Policy Change - Moral Story about Problem and Solution

Once an old brewery decided to install a new line for canning so that it enables products to be marketed to the supermarket sector. It was major change for a little company so it invited all local dignitaries and employees to witness this big change. All came on the day of inauguration of new canning … Read more

Pear Tree and Four Seasons! Story about Judging Others

Short Stories on Judging Others - Best Moral Story About Change in Life

An old man had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn a very important lesson for life.  So he decided to sent each of them for a quest. He asked them to go and look at a pear tree that was far away from main land. He instructed them that only one will go … Read more

Ability to Change – Perspective for Life..!!

Short Stories about Change - Time Changes Wonderful Moral Short Story

Story 1: It’s Just Matter of Time.. A man approached rabbi and said, “Bars are full of people sitting there to enjoy themselves.” Rabbi replied nothing to him. Not getting any response man again said, “Bars are full of bursting people spending all night playing cards drinking beers and you said nothing??” “It’s good thing … Read more

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