37 Short Inspirational Philosophy Quotes by Plato

37 Short Inspirational Philosophy Quotes by Plato

Plato was a Greek Philosopher, Writer, Teacher, Public speaker and Socrates most brilliant student. Plato’s philosophy forms much of the Foundation of Western civilization. He laid the groundwork for Ethics, Aesthetics, Epistemology, Metaphysics and early forms of Science.   Human behavior flows from Three main Sources: Desire, Emotion and Knowledge. Beauty lies in the Eyes … Read more

21 Motivational Quotes by Vincent Van Gogh

21 Motivational Quotes by Vincent Van Gogh

From The Starry Night to the Sunflowers Series, Post-Impressionist Vincent van Gogh is known for his Pioneering paintings. In addition to his Collection of Expressive works on canvas, the Dutch artist crafted another creative Portfolio during his Short life: a Compilation of letters.   Great things are Not done by Impulse but by a Series … Read more

31 Short Quotes on Different Aspects of Life by Ralph Emerson

31 Short Quotes on Different Aspects of Life by Ralph Emerson

We are by Nature observers and thereby Learners. That is our Permanent state. If we Encounter a man of Rare Intellect, We should ask him what Books he Reads. Nature and Books belong to the Eyes that See them. Some books Leave us Free and some Books make us Free. The Secret in Education lies … Read more

38 Short Motivational Quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson

38 Short Motivational Life Quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson

It is Not the Length of Life but the Depth. Trust thyself: Every Heart vibrates to that Iron string. Life is a Journey, not a Destination. Nothing Great was ever Achieved without Enthusiasm. A Hero is no Braver than an Ordinary man but he is Brave five minutes Longer. To be Great, is to be … Read more

40 Short Quotes on Life by Leonardo Da Vinci

40 Short Quotes on Life by Leonardo Da Vinci Famous Renaissance Painter

Leonardo da Vinci was a Painter, Architect, Sculptor, Military engineer. He was a Famous artist and Curious mind with an Insatiable desire for Knowledge who became a Symbol of the Renaissance.   Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication. Study without Desire spoils the Memory and It Retains nothing that it Takes in. Nothing can be Loved … Read more

28 Short Quotes by Charles Dickens

28 Short Quotes by Charles Dickens Victorian Era Author

Charles Dickens is often regarded as the Greatest Author of the Victorian Era. He brought to Life some of the most Memorable stories and Fictional characters in History, All inspired by his Real-life Experiences. Dickens penned such acclaimed works as – Oliver Twist; A Christmas Carol; David Copperfield; Great Expectations and A Tale of Two … Read more

54 Benjamin Franklin Motivational Short Quotes

54 Benjamin Franklin Motivational Short Quotes for Life Betterment

A Learned blockhead is a Greater blockhead than an Ignorant one. A Man of Words and Not of Deeds, is like a Garden Full of Weeds. Each year One vicious Habit rooted out, In Time might make the Worst man Good throughout. Glass, China and Reputation are easily Cracked and Never well mended. He is … Read more

Famous Benjamin Franklin Short Quotes

Best and Famous Benjamin Franklin Short Quotes to Inspire n Motivate

Benjamin Franklin was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States who drafted the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.   An Ounce of Prevention is worth a Pound of Cure. Eat to please Yourself but Dress to please Others. God helps Them, who help Themselves. Early to Bed and … Read more

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