Currently browsing:- Short Moral Stories for Kids:

Joy of Giving Short Stories - Best Moral and Inspirational Stories for Kids

Joy of Giving – Farmer’s Reaction..!

Once a teacher and his student went out for a walk. After walking a while they reached a farm where student saw a pair of old torn shoes which seemed to be belonged to poor farmer who was just preparing to get back to his home after a whole day of hard work. Seeing this…

Inspirational Short Stories - Best Moral Stories About Hatred and Choice

Dragon of Light or Darkness? Inspirational

Once in dragon land, there was a young dragon name Brad. There was a tradition in dragon land that dragons would have to chose his side and become either a dragon of light or darkness. When time comes each dragon had to chose his side and join army. All dragons would chose his side and…

Stories on Honesty and Truthfulness - Prince and Young Girl Best Stories

Young Girl Love for Prince.! Honesty Story

In ancient china, It was tradition that if prince has to be married before he can become crowned emperor. There was a prince who was about to be crowned. So he needed to find a young woman whom he could trust and get married to. Once there was a  who had to be crowned in…

Heart Touching Stories About Mother - Unconditional Mother's Love Stories

Child and Mother’s Relationship..!! Heart Touching

Story 1: Rose for Mother..! A man went to a flower shop to order some flowers to be wired to a distant place. Order of flower was to be sent to his mother who lived three hundred miles away. As man got out of shop and went to his car, he noticed a young girl…

Moral Stories About Hatred - Interesting Life Lesson about Hating Others

Effect of Hatred on You..!! (Must Read)

Once a kinder garden teacher had decided to let her class play a game. She told each child in her class to bring along a plastic bag containing few potatoes. She asked children that each potato will represent the person that child hates. So the number of potatoes to be kept in that plastic bag…

Short Stories on Dishonesty - What Goes Around Comes Around Stories

Misery of Greedy Man..!! Stories about Dishonesty

Story 1: Worth of Lump of Gold..! There was a man who only cared about money. He didn’t even spend money to buy bare necessities of life. He collected a large sum of money. He spend all his money to buy a lump of gold. Man buried that gold in a secret place in his…

Lion and Slave Short Story - Helping Others Moral Stories

Lion and Slave Story!!

Once in a village lived a rich man. He had many slaves and helpers for work. Slaves used to work very hard for master but still master was never happy with their work. Master was very unkind and cruel to them. One day one of the slave made mistake while cooking food and food got…

Reason of Old Man Happiness Moral Story - Short Stories to Share

Reason of Old Man Happiness!!

Once in a village lived an Old man who used to complain about everything. He thought of himself as one of the most unfortunate people in the world. He always stayed gloomy and in bad mood. Whole village was tired of him. With passing years he became more bile and used to utter more bitter…

Money vs Peace Short Stories in Eng - Being Happy Moral Stories

Poor or Rich!! Being Happy Moral Stories

Once in a village lived neighbors Ramesh and Suresh. Ramesh was a poor farmer where as Suresh was a landlord. Ramchand used to work in farms all day and still he would seem very relaxed and happy. At night he never bothered to close doors or windows of his house and slept soundly. He had…

Thomas Edison Childhood Incident - Inspirational Stories for Kids

Thomas Edison Childhood – Inspirational Story

One day Thomas Edison came home and gave a paper to his mother. He told his mother that his teacher gave this paper to him and said, “Give this to your mother.” His mother open it and read the paper. After reading paper her eyes filled with tears. Thomas asked his mother about what was…

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