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King's Question and Wise Man Interesting Answer

King’s Question and Wise Man Interesting Answer

One day King came to know about a wise man who was visiting his kingdom. King got curious and called for wise man to visit his court. When wise man came to King’s court, King said to him, “I have heard about your wisdom. I want to ask you something but if you are not…

Friends Argument and Two Sack of Rice Short Story

Friends Argument and Two Sack of Rice Short Story

Once in a village lived two friends Rinku and Mohan. Both of them together bought a piece of land and decided to start farming of crops on that land. Mohan was hard working where as Rinku believed that if he would just sit and pray all day long then God will get all work done…

Saint and Young Man Story - Uprooting Bad Habit

Saint and Young Man Story – Uprooting Bad Habit

Once in a village lived a wealthy man was very worried because of bad habits of his son. He tried every way to make his son understand and leave bad habits but to no avail. One day, wealthy man got to know that a saint has come to their village. Man went to saint and…

Sinful Man Deeds - Story about Judging Others

Sinful Man Deeds – Story about Judging Others

Once in a kingdom, it was habit of a King to disguise and make visits, to keep check on needs of his people. One day while he was out with his minister, he reached edge of city where he saw a man lying. King saw that many people passed by but no one came to…

Teacher Assignment for Kids - Story about Hatred

Bag of Tomatoes – Teacher Assignment for Kids

One day a teacher asked her students, “Tomorrow, all of you bring some tomatoes in a plastic bag to school but there is condition to how many number of tomatoes each one of you have to bring..” Students asked, “What is it?” Teacher replied, “You should give each tomato a name of person you hate…

Bear Fishing at River - Greed Short Story

Bear Fishing at River – Greed Short Story

In a forest, lived a bear who was always looking for more and more to eat. One afternoon, he woke up and saw that weather was clear and bright. He thought, “What a nice weather. In such nice weather i should go fishing and have a feast.” Thinking of this, he walked toward river. After…

Frog and Rabbit Aesop Fable - Never Give Up

Frog and Rabbit Story – Never Give Up

Once some wild dogs were chasing a herd of rabbits. All rabbits were running to save their lives. Somehow, they could avoid becoming victim of wild dogs and hid behind a dry bush. Everyone was weary because of all the running and being scared of losing their life. After wild dogs left, rabbits took a…

Dishonest Milkman - Moral Story for Kids

Dishonest Milkman Loss!

A milkman used to live in a village. He had ten cows whose milk he used to sell after going to city. Everyday he had to cross village river to reach city. He used to cross river by boat and after selling milk to his customers, he would back to his village by that boat….

Coal or Sandalwood! Father Lesson to Son

Coal or Sandalwood! Father Lesson to Son

Long ago, a man used to live his family happily. He got old and when his last time came near, he called his son and said, “Son, i have spent my whole life educating the world. Now, in my last moments i want to tell you something important.” Listening to this son was looking at…

Incident between Indian Man and Britishers on Train

Incident between Indian Man and Britishers on Train

A train was running at high speed. In a compartment, an Indian man was also sitting with the Britishers. All Britishers were making fun of that Indian man. Some were laughing at him seeing his dress and calling him coward, while some were getting angry and shouting, cursing at the management that why an Indian…

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