Currently browsing:- Short Moral Stories for Adults:

Rattling Sound and Horse - Deep Meaning

Rattling Sound and Thirsty Horse – Deep Meaning

A man was going somewhere on a horse. After long journey his horse became very thirsty but man didn’t had any water left with him. He started looking around. He saw that at a far away well, a farmer was watering his fields using ‘Rahat’. Traveler came to well requested farmer to let his horse…

Man Lost all Hope - Grass and Bamboo Story

Man Lost all Hope – Grass and Bamboo Story

Once a businessman became hopeless after, his business failed. He became frustrated with life and one day while upset, he went to forest and sat alone in forest. While sitting there, he thought for long and then said to God, “Tell me one reason why i should not despair, i lost everything, what should i…

Three Balls Story - Reason for Unhappiness

Three Balls Story – Reason for Unhappiness

Once there was a man who was very successful in his life but in spite of having everything, he was not happy. One day man got to know about saint who came to his city. Man went to Saint and said, “I have car, bungalow, money and all means of luxury, still i am not…

Saint Warning to King about Demon!

Saint Warning to King about Demon!

Once a King wanted to become more powerful. He got to know about a saint who had came to his kingdom and was famous for helping people. King went to saint and said to him, “Please tell me a way to become more powerful.” Saint pointed towards a path and said, “Path you seeing in…

Who is Biggest Fool? Seth and Devotee Story

Who is Biggest Fool? Seth n Devotee Story

Once in a village, lived a devotee named Gyanchand who was always engrossed in devotion of God. His routine to wake up early in morning, do worship and sing hymns in praise of God. After that he would go to his shop and work till lunchtime and close shop. After that he would go serve…

People Talking Behind One's Back!

Bunch of Frogs – People Talking!

Once upon a time, in a village lived a honest man. All the people of village used to praise and admire him. He was happy that all people in village liked him One day, while returning from work, he heard that some people were talking about him. He knew people of village always praised him,…

Elderly Advice to Young Man - Be Careful

Elderly Advice to Young Man – Be Careful

There was small village on edge of forest. Forest surrounding village had many wild animals. That’s why it was very important for people of village to have knowledge of climbing trees, so that they could save their lives by climbing trees when faced with wild animals. An elderly who used to live in that village….

King and Farmer Story - Use of Money Earned

King and Farmer Story – Use of Money Earned

One day King went on a tour of his kingdom in disguise. While roaming around, he passed near a farm field, there he saw a farmer who was wearing torn clothes and was eating food sitting under shade of a tree. Seeing clothes of farmer, King thought, “I should give some gold coins to farmer…

Scholar and Boatman Story about Pride

Scholar and Boatman Story!!

One day, a Scholar had to cross the river to go to another village. He reached the river bank and sat on a boat. Boatman started rowing boat. As per his habit, Scholar started boasting of his knowledge. He asked boatman, “Have you studied anything?” Boatman replied, “No, i am not educated. My family has…

Tree Refusal to Bird's Request! Story about Rejection

Tree Refusal to Bird’s Request! Story about Rejection

Rainy days were about to come. A pair of birds was looking for a tree to build a nest. While flying they saw trees at bank of a river. There they found one tree suited to build nest for themselves. Birds went to tree and requested, “We need to build our nest before rainy season…

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