Sage Arrogance vs Sadhana of a Household Woman

Sage Arrogance and Sadhana of a Household Woman

Leaving his old mother and helpless father, a man went to forest to do penance. After several years, he completed his penance. When he got up, after completing his Sadhana, he saw a crow flying with a baby bird in it’s beak. Seeing this, Sage looked at crow angrily and flames burst out of Sage’s … Read more

Who Knows If It’s a Misfortune Or a Blessing! Old Man Story

Who Knows If It's a Misfortune Or a Blessing! Old Man Story

Once, in a village lived an old man who was poor but had a very beautiful white horse. Old man was envied by many because of that horse. One day, King saw that horse and sent his minister to buy the horse. Minister came to old man’s house and offered a very good price for … Read more

Villagers Comment on Woman’s Character – Monk Reply

Villagers Comment on Woman's Character - Monk Reply

Once a monk visited a village. Many people visited him. Among many villagers was one woman who was despised by others. After talking for a while, woman invited him to her house for dinner. Monk humbly accepted the invitation and started following her. On way, when people saw that monk was going with that woman, … Read more

How Sutra of Knowledge Saved Merchant! Anger Story

How Sutra of Knowledge Saved Merchant! Anger Story

Long time ago, after two years of marriage, a young man expressed to his wife, his desire to go abroad and do business. His wife agreed. Young man left for his journey. Young man reached foreign country and worked hard. There he earned a lot of money and became a rich merchant. After eighteen years, … Read more

Best Medicine for Anger – Saint Story

Best Medicine for Anger - Saint Story

There was a woman, who used to get angry easily. Whole family was troubled by this habit of her and because of this, there was always an atmosphere of discord in family. One day, a saint came to that woman house. Woman welcomed him and then told him about her problem. She said, “Maharaj! I … Read more

Young Man Idea to Load Sack – Accepting Help from Others

Young Man Idea to Load Sack - Accepting Help from Others

Farmer (middle age man) was trying to load a sack of grains on his bullock cart. But sack was so heavy that he was not able to load it on cart. Just then a young man was passing by. Young man saw him struggling and went to him and said, “I know a easier way..” … Read more

King and Sage Story – How to Handle Burden of Work?

King and Sage Story - How to Handle Burden of Work

Long ago, a Kingdom was full of happiness and prosperity under it’s King rule. People were living happily under his rule. One year, severe famine happened in that state. Crops dried up due to lack of water and in such situation, farmer were not able to pay revenue to King. Due to lack of revenue, … Read more

God’s Will and Apple from Heaven – God and Little Girl Story

God's Will and Apple from Heaven - God and Little Girl Story

Once there an announcement was made from Heaven that God is coming to distribute apples. So, everyone got ready and stood in line to recieve apple from God. A little girl was very curious because she was going to see God for first time. She was happy with thought of seeing God and getting an … Read more

Stork and Farmer Story about Relying on Other for Work

Stork and Farmer Story about Relying on Other for Work

A pair of stork birds lived in a field near a village. Stork laid it’s eggs there. Eggs hatched, it was around time when crops in field were ripened. Stork got worried and wanted to leave with it’s children before farmer come to harvest fields but it’s children were too young to learn to fly. … Read more

Basket of Grapes! King and Farmer Deep Meaning Story

Basket of Grapes! King and Farmer Deep Meaning Story

Once in a Kingdom, a King had a huge fruit garden in his palace. Various types of fruits were grown there. A farmer with his family used to take care of that entire fruit garden. Daily, farmer used to pick fresh fruits from that garden, to bring them to King’s palace for King. One day, … Read more

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