Cursed Doll/ The Maid Short Horror Stories

Cursed Doll - Funny Horror Stories for Kids

Story 1: Cursed Doll Once lived a young girl who was extremely fond of dolls and had a hugh collection of variety of dolls at her home. One day, while she was browsing at a toy store and found a doll. Seeing that beautiful doll, see was keen to add it to her collection. When … Read more

Clown in Hall/ Man in Trench Coat Stories for Halloween

Clown in Hall Short Story - Best Halloween Stories for Kids

Story 1: The Clown in Hall! Once a family a couple with two little boys moved into a hugh house with large number of rooms. Few days later, boys complained to their parents about a clown who kept coming in their room at night. But father didn’t took it seriously. One day when parents were … Read more

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