Monk’s Advice to Fool..!

Monks Advice to Fool - Condemn Others Short Story

In a village, lived a man who was a fool. Everybody in village made fun of him. He lived all his life cowering and not even daring to speak. One day, a monk came to village. At night, man went to monk and fell at his feet and said, “Please give me some blessing. My … Read more

Boosting Warriors and Nasirudin..!

Mulla Nasirudin Stories - Boosting Warriors and Nasrudin Short Stories

Story 1: Nasirudin in War..!! One day several town warriors were gather at a village square and were talking about recent battle. Many people were present there including Nasirudin. During conversation, one of them boosted, “In midst of battle, i was injured severely and while several knives were still stuck in my arm,  i continued … Read more

Sarcastic Short Stories…!!

Sarcastic Short Stories with Morals - King and Prisoner Story

Story 1: Innocent Prisoners..!! Once King weng visited his palace prison. There he meet prisoners and listened to their complaints. One of the prisoner who was accused of murder said to him, “I am innocent.. Please release me.. I am here just because i wanted to give my wife a fright bu accidentally killed her..” … Read more

Nasruddin Hoja Short Stories

Nasruddin Hoja Stories - Short Funny Nasrudin Stories to Make you Smile

Story 1: One Way to Bring Joy..!! Once Nasrudin meet a rich man from another town. That man started talking to Nasrudin. Man said, “I am rich but i feel sad and miserable all the time. With all this money i went far away for traveling in the search of joy but i still haven’t … Read more

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