Holding Lamp in Hands – Saint and King Story

Holding Lamp in Hands - Saint and King Story

There was a very religious and knowledgeable King in Mithila. One day, a saint came to meet him. King welcomed and respected saint wholeheartedly and asked the reason for coming to the court. Saint said, “Rajan, i have heard that despite living in palace amidst so much grandeur, you remain aloof from them. I did … Read more

Sewing Needle – Saint Gift to Rich Man Story

Sewing Needle - Saint Gift to Rich Man Story

Once a Saint visited a village. Richest man of that village came to pay obeisance at his feet. Rich man was very proud of his wealth. When rich man meet Saint, he said, “I would like to do some service for you. I have loads of money. I will fulfill whatever you ask.” Saint took … Read more

Fakir at River Bank/ Saint Advice to King – Story abt Desires

Fakir at River Bank - Story about Desires

Story 1: Fakir at River Bank Waiting..! A fakir was sitting on the bank of the river. A man who was passing by, he came near fakir and asked, “Baba, What are you doing?” Fakir replied, “I am waiting for entire river water flow to end, so that i can cross it.” Man said, “What … Read more

Sant Malukdas Story – From an Atheist to a Devotee (Must Read)

Sant Malukdas Story - From an Atheist to a Devotee

In old times, lived a Saint Malukdas, who was a karmayogi and had gained immensed knowledge from self study, Satsang and traveling. In the beginning, Saint Malukdas was an atheist. Once, a Sadhu came to his village and stayed. Sadhu used to recite Ramayana to people, every morning and evening. Villagers would visit him and … Read more

Saint and Thief Story – Power of Satsang (Must Read)

Saint and Thief Story - Power of Satsang (Must Read)

Once in a village lived two boys who were childhood friends. As time passed, one of them moved out of village and grew up to become a saint while other friend became thief, started earning his living by stealing here and there. One day, Saint came to his town. A discourse was organized for villagers. … Read more

Speaking Bad/ Learn to Be Happy – Short Stories

Waiting for River to Dry!! Short Stories

Story 1: Hurting Other with Bitter Words?? Once in a village lived a Seth (rich man) who used to speak abusive words in anger and his words used to hurt others a lot. In village lived a Saint. People around who used to be around Seth all the time, were fed up of his this … Read more

Three Friends and Saint – Story about Giving

Three Friends and Saint - Story about Giving

Three friends were having food in Bhandara. (Bhandara service in Hindu Dharma, is the special free of cost meal, served to the devotees present in the Temple.) While eating food, first friend said, “I wish, i too could do such Bhandara..” Second said, “Yes friend, but our salary is not even enough to meet our … Read more

Camels in Saint Convoy – Problems in Life

Camels in Saint Convoy - Problems in Life

Once in a city, lived a man who was not happy with his life. He was always troubled by one or other problem. One day, a Saint convoy stopped at some distance from city. People got to know about him and started reaching him with their problems. Man also decided to visit Saint. Even after … Read more

Value of Glass of Water – Alexander and Saint Story

Value of Glass of Water - Alexander and Saint Story

When Alexander returned to India, he went to meet a Saint, seeing Alexander coming to him, Saint started laughing. Alexander felt insulted. He said to Saint angrily, “Either you don’t know me or your death had come.. Don’t you know who i am? I am great Alexander..” Saint started laughing even louder. He said to … Read more

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