Young Man Question – Does Attending Satsang Bring Change?

Young Man Question - Does Attending Satsang Bring Change

Every evening, there was a crowd of devotees in the ashram of saint because his discourse (satsang) gave the right direction and understanding of life. A young man used to listen to his satsang everyday. One day when satsang was over, he went to saint and said, “Maharaj! I have been listening to your Satsang … Read more

Man Anger and Hatred toward his Neighbour – Saint Solution

Man Anger and Hatred toward his Neighbour - Saint Solution

In a village, lived a man who was troubled by his neighbour for long time. He was very upset with him. One day, a saint came to village. Man went to him and all about his problem with his neighbour and then said, “Baba, it has been long time since my neighbour had troubled me. … Read more

Child Want to Fit Ocean in a Cup! Deep Meaning Story

Child Want to Fit Ocean in a Cup! Deep Meaning Story

A saint was strolling on the beach. Seeing a child crying on sea shore, saint went near that child and lovingly asked him, “Son, why are you crying?” Showing a cup in his hand, boy said, “I want to fill the ocean in this cup in my hand but it doesn’t fit in my cup.” … Read more

Reflection of Oneself! Father Lesson to his Son

Reflection of Oneself! Father Lesson to his Son

Once a Political leader heard about a saint. So he decided to visit him once to see why people praise him so much. When he went to that ashram, he saw that there was a small room where carpet was spread and some people were sitting there on carpet. Saint was sitting in front. People … Read more

Secret to Sleeping Better! Rich Man and Saint Story

Secret to Sleeping Better! Rich Man and Saint Story

Long time ago, in a city lived a rich man. He had immense wealth, a huge mansion and many servants to serve him. He had everything but still he couldn’t sleep at night. Even if he closed his eyes, he would have terrible dreams. He felt very restless. To cure this, he underwent many treatments … Read more

Rich Man Offering to Saint – Heart Warming Story

Rich Man Offering to Saint - Heart Warming Story

Once in a village, lived a saint in his ashram with his disciples. Many people used to come to him to listen to his satsang. Once a Rich man went to Saint and said, “Guru ji, Please accept my service. Here are thousand gold coins, may they all be of use to you.” As soon … Read more

Deceit of the Mind – Cat and Lamp Story

Deceit of the Mind - Cat and Lamp Story

A saint had kept a cat. During the evening Satsang, saint would light lamp and place it on cat’s forehead to dispel darkness of night. That cat was stay still for whole time and it would not let that lamp fall from her head. People who used to come to Satsang, used to get surprised … Read more

Holding Lamp in Hands – Saint and King Story

Holding Lamp in Hands - Saint and King Story

There was a very religious and knowledgeable King in Mithila. One day, a saint came to meet him. King welcomed and respected saint wholeheartedly and asked the reason for coming to the court. Saint said, “Rajan, i have heard that despite living in palace amidst so much grandeur, you remain aloof from them. I did … Read more

Sewing Needle – Saint Gift to Rich Man Story

Sewing Needle - Saint Gift to Rich Man Story

Once a Saint visited a village. Richest man of that village came to pay obeisance at his feet. Rich man was very proud of his wealth. When rich man meet Saint, he said, “I would like to do some service for you. I have loads of money. I will fulfill whatever you ask.” Saint took … Read more

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