What’s Valuable – Wealth or Wisdom? Baal Shem Tov Story

What Valuable - Wealth or Wisdom Baal Shem Tov Story

It’s story about a Jewish mystic, Baal Shem. Once someone came to him and asked, “Which is more significant, more valuable – Wealth or Wisdom?” Baal Shem laughed and said, “Of course, wisdom is more significant, more valuable.” Man said, “Then, I have another question – I always see you – the wise man, waiting … Read more

Vikram Sarabhai and Young Man Story

Vikram Sarabhai and Young Man Story - Real Life Incident

Once near Trivandrum seashore, an Elderly gentleman was reading Bhagavad Gita. At that time, a talented atheist young man came and took seat by side of that gentleman. Seeing elderly reading a religious book, young man taunted by saying, “In age of science, only foolish people prefer to read old-fashioned books like Bhagavad Gita. If … Read more

Market for Slaves – Greek Philosopher Diogenes Story

Market for Slaves - Diogenes the Cynic Famous Greek Philosopher Story

Diogenes was the antisocial, ascetic philosopher who lived in a barrel and rejected all of the norms of civilized behavior. Those days, people were sold in market as slaves. So few merchant who used to deal in selling slaves, saw Diogenes lying down by side of river. They were overjoyed to see such good build … Read more

Alexander and Greek Mystic Diogenes Story – Last Three Wishes

Alexander and Greek Mystic Diogenes Story about Life Desires

Alexander meet two great mystics. One of them was Diogenes, a Greek mystic who lived in utter ecstasy, always in celebration. Once Alexander had gone to see him and said to him, “You are the first man i am feeling jealous of.” Diogenes replied, “This is strange because you are one of the Greatest Kings, … Read more

Oil Lamp and Traveler – Chanakya Story of Patriotism

Chanakya Story - Short Real Life Story abt True Patriotism n Nationalism

Once a traveler came to meet Chanakya. When traveler reached Chanakya’s home, dusk and darkness had just started to set in. When traveler entered inside, he saw that Chanakya was busy writing some papers under the light of an oil lamp (Because in those time there was no electricity). Chanakya smiling welcomed guest and asked … Read more

Swami Vivekananda in America Stories

Swami Vivekananda Story - Christian Missionary and Swami ji Story

Story 1: Converting a Situational Set up into an Opportunity Once a Cristian missionary invited Swami ji to his house and took him to his personal library. Missionary self applauded his library bring Swami ji to books shelf and mockingly, “How you found the order of books here.” Swami ji was astute on observing things … Read more

Socrates Stories – Power of Conscience

Socrates Stories - Astrologer Prediction n Socrates Reply Interesting Story

Once Greek’s famous philosopher Socrates was talking to his disciples. At same time, an astrologer arrived there and claimed that he could tell a person’s character by looking at the face. Then Astrologer looked at Socrates and said, “Shape of nostrils tell that this person have anger issue..” Listening to this Socrates disciples got angry … Read more

Be Proud of Who You Are

Madan Mohan Malviya Story - Be Proud of Who You Are Inspirational Stories Indian

Once Vice chancellor of Calcutta university sent a letter to Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya in appreciation of his work. When Malviya ji received that letter, he was with a friend. After reading letter Malviya ji said, “This is an awful proposal. What shall I tell? What shall I write?” On seeing his reaction, his friend … Read more

Lal Bahadur Shastri ji Inspirational Story

Lal Bahadur Shashtri Story - Inspirational Stories abt Honesty of Indian Personalities

Once Shri Lal Bahadur Shashtri ji went to a textile mill and he was accompanied by owner of mill. After going around mill, Shashtri ji went to see warehouse of that mill. There he saw some sarees on display. Seeing those, Shashtri ji requested owner of mill to show him some sarees. Owner was happy … Read more

Krishna Bhakt Surdas Story

Surdas Story - Power of Chanting God's Name Stories Lord Krishna Bhakt

During Akbar’s reign, a great saint was born. His name was Surdas. He was born blind and because of that he was neglected by everyone during his childhood. One day while Surdas was sitting in front porch of his house, a group of singer passed by his house singing praise of Lord Krishna. Surdas was … Read more

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