Elderly Couple and Clerk Story – Be Kind and Helpful

Old man and Clerk Inspiring Story about Helping Others - Story of Waldorf Astoria Hotel

Many years ago, on stormy night an elderly man and his wife entered in a small hotel in Philadelphia, USA. Trying to get out of rain, couple approached front desk hoping to get a room. Husband said, “Could you possibly give us a room here?” Clerk, a friendly man, looked at the couple and said, … Read more

Airhostess Response to Woman..!

Airhostess Response to Woman - No One is Superior to Other

It’s scene from a flight. A white woman who was about 50 years old, was seated next to a black man. Disturbed by this, she called air hostess. Air hostess asked, “What is matter?” Woman responded, “Obviously, you don’t see it.. Then?” Pointing to black man who was seated beside her, she said, “You placed … Read more

Vikram Sarabhai and Young Man Story

Vikram Sarabhai and Young Man Story - Real Life Incident

Once near Trivandrum seashore, an Elderly gentleman was reading Bhagavad Gita. At that time, a talented atheist young man came and took seat by side of that gentleman. Seeing elderly reading a religious book, young man taunted by saying, “In age of science, only foolish people prefer to read old-fashioned books like Bhagavad Gita. If … Read more

Guru Nanak Ji – Panja Sahib Story

Guru Nanak Ji Panja Sahib Story - Guru Nanak Ji Miracle Story in English

After traveling through many countries, Guru Nanak ji reached a Hassan Abdal fifty kilometers from Rawalpindi. Guru ji stayed near foothills. When people came to know about Guru ji, they began to come to him and talk about God. Soon, numerous people started to gather around him. There lived a Muslim priest who used to … Read more

Oil Lamp and Traveler – Chanakya Story of Patriotism

Chanakya Story - Short Real Life Story abt True Patriotism n Nationalism

Once a traveler came to meet Chanakya. When traveler reached Chanakya’s home, dusk and darkness had just started to set in. When traveler entered inside, he saw that Chanakya was busy writing some papers under the light of an oil lamp (Because in those time there was no electricity). Chanakya smiling welcomed guest and asked … Read more

Be Proud of Who You Are

Madan Mohan Malviya Story - Be Proud of Who You Are Inspirational Stories Indian

Once Vice chancellor of Calcutta university sent a letter to Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya in appreciation of his work. When Malviya ji received that letter, he was with a friend. After reading letter Malviya ji said, “This is an awful proposal. What shall I tell? What shall I write?” On seeing his reaction, his friend … Read more

Lal Bahadur Shastri ji Inspirational Story

Lal Bahadur Shashtri Story - Inspirational Stories abt Honesty of Indian Personalities

Once Shri Lal Bahadur Shashtri ji went to a textile mill and he was accompanied by owner of mill. After going around mill, Shashtri ji went to see warehouse of that mill. There he saw some sarees on display. Seeing those, Shashtri ji requested owner of mill to show him some sarees. Owner was happy … Read more

Organ Donation – Inspiring Story

Inspirational Stories - Organ Donation Save Lives Heart Touching Message

One of the most powerful rich man in Brazil made a announcement. He announced that he will be burying his million dollar rare Bentley car in the ground so that he could he could drive it even in his after life. This received a lot of media attention and some even criticized him for wasting … Read more

Swami Ji Childhood Story..!

Swami Vivekananda Childhood Stories - Narendranath Dutta Short Stories

When Swami Vivekananda (Naren) was 8 years old, he loved Champaka flowers. He used to visit his friends house which had a big Champaka tree in compound of that house. Swami ji loved to climb that tree and dangle head down from it branches. One day grandfather of his friend saw Naren playing on the … Read more

Swami Ji Brilliance Stories..!

Famous Stories of Swami Vivekananda - Real Life Short Stories in English

Story 1: Vivekananda and His Friends..!! Once Swami Vivekananda ji was traveling by ship with one of his friends. In morning, they asked for newspaper to read. Vivekananda ji read newspaper and kept it aside for his friend and went outside chamber. Vivekananda ji friends took newspaper and went outside o deck to read it. … Read more

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