20 Learning Quotes for Life by Plato

20 Learning Quotes for Life by Plato

Wise men Speak because they have something to Say, Fools because they have to say Something. We can easily Forgive a child who is Afraid of the Dark, The Real tragedy of life is when men are Afraid of the Light. Every Heart sings a song, incomplete until another Heart whispers back. Those who Wish … Read more

20 Quotes for Life by T.S.Eliot

20 Motivational Quotes on Life by Poet T.S.Eliot

Thomas Stearns Eliot was a Poet, Dramatist, Literary critic and Editor who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948 for “His outstanding, pioneer contribution to present-day poetry”. Eliot is considered one of the Greatest poets in the English language. His Poems are some of the of the Best-known, including ‘The Waste Land’, ‘Ash Wednesday’ … Read more

Salvador Dali Quotes about Life and Art

Salvador Dali Quotes about Life and Art

Salvador Dali’s eccentric Nature and Talent for Self-promotion made him the most Famous representative of the Surrealist Movement and one of the most widely Recognized Artists in the world.   Intelligence without Ambition, is a Bird without Wings. You have to Systematically create Confusion, it sets Creativity Free. Everything that is Contradictory creates Life. Have … Read more

19 Quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci

19 Quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci - Quotes abt Human Nature

Nature is the Source of all true Knowledge. She has her own Logic, her own Laws, She has No effect without cause nor Invention without Necessity. Human subtlety will Never devise an Invention more Beautiful, more Simple or more Direct than does Nature because in her Inventions nothing is Lacking and Nothing is Superfluous. Although … Read more

How to Live Happy Life – Quotes by Dalai Lama

How to Live Happy Life - Quotes by Dalai Lama

Instead of Wondering Why this is Happening to You, Consider Why this is Happening to You. If you Don’t Love yourself, you Cannot love Others. If you have No Compassion for Yourself then you are Not able of developing Compassion for Others. What is the Meaning of Life? To be Happy and Useful. When you … Read more

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