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26 Quotes by Oscar Wilde about Love, Artist

26 Quotes by Oscar Wilde about Love, Artist

Never Love anyone who Treats you like you are Ordinary. The very Essence of Romance is Uncertainty. The Mystery of Love is greater than the Mystery of Death. Keep love in your Heart. A Life without it is like a Sunless garden when the Flowers are Dead. A Poet can Survive everything but a Misprint….

21 Interesting Quotes for Life by Oscar Wilde

21 Interesting Quotes for Life by Oscar Wilde

Selfishness is not Living as one Wishes to Live, It is asking Others to Live as one wishes to Live. There is only One thing in the World worse than being Talked about and that is Not being Talked about. An Excellent man, he has No Enemies and None of his Friends like him. Most…

40 Short Quotes about Life by Oscar Wilde

40 Short Quotes about Life by Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde was an Irish Poet and Playwright Best known for work such as The Picture of Dorian Gray and The Importance of Being Earnest. Many of Wilde’s plays were Satirical Comedies. There is No Sin except Stupidity. Be Yourself, Everyone else is already Taken. To Live is the Rarest thing in the World. Most…

T.S.Eliot Quotes about Poetry and Life

T.S.Eliot Quotes about Poetry and Life

Poetry is not a Turning Loose of Emotion but an Escape from emotion. It is not the Expression of Personality but an Escape from personality. The Bad Poet is usually Unconscious where he ought to be Conscious and Conscious where he ought to be Unconscious. Genuine poetry can Communicate before it is Understood. Poetry should…

20 Motivational Quotes on Life by Poet T.S.Eliot

20 Quotes for Life by T.S.Eliot

Thomas Stearns Eliot was a Poet, Dramatist, Literary critic and Editor who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948 for “His outstanding, pioneer contribution to present-day poetry”. Eliot is considered one of the Greatest poets in the English language. His Poems are some of the of the Best-known, including ‘The Waste Land’, ‘Ash Wednesday’…

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