21 Motivational Quotes by Vincent Van Gogh

21 Motivational Quotes by Vincent Van Gogh

From The Starry Night to the Sunflowers Series, Post-Impressionist Vincent van Gogh is known for his Pioneering paintings. In addition to his Collection of Expressive works on canvas, the Dutch artist crafted another creative Portfolio during his Short life: a Compilation of letters.   Great things are Not done by Impulse but by a Series … Read more

Salvador Dali Quotes about Life and Art

Salvador Dali Quotes about Life and Art

Salvador Dali’s eccentric Nature and Talent for Self-promotion made him the most Famous representative of the Surrealist Movement and one of the most widely Recognized Artists in the world.   Intelligence without Ambition, is a Bird without Wings. You have to Systematically create Confusion, it sets Creativity Free. Everything that is Contradictory creates Life. Have … Read more

19 Quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci

19 Quotes by Leonardo Da Vinci - Quotes abt Human Nature

Nature is the Source of all true Knowledge. She has her own Logic, her own Laws, She has No effect without cause nor Invention without Necessity. Human subtlety will Never devise an Invention more Beautiful, more Simple or more Direct than does Nature because in her Inventions nothing is Lacking and Nothing is Superfluous. Although … Read more

40 Short Quotes on Life by Leonardo Da Vinci

40 Short Quotes on Life by Leonardo Da Vinci Famous Renaissance Painter

Leonardo da Vinci was a Painter, Architect, Sculptor, Military engineer. He was a Famous artist and Curious mind with an Insatiable desire for Knowledge who became a Symbol of the Renaissance.   Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication. Study without Desire spoils the Memory and It Retains nothing that it Takes in. Nothing can be Loved … Read more

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