Currently browsing:- Quotes by Artists:

Vincent Van Gogh Quotes about Life and Art

Vincent Van Gogh Quotes about Life and Art

It is Good to Love many things, for therein Lies the True strength and whosoever Loves much Performs much and can Accomplish much and What is done in Love is well done. If you Truly love Nature, you will find Beauty Everywhere. The Best way to know Life is to Love many things. It must…

Salvador Dali Quotes about Life and Art

Salvador Dali Quotes about Life and Art

Salvador Dali’s eccentric Nature and Talent for Self-promotion made him the most Famous representative of the Surrealist Movement and one of the most widely Recognized Artists in the world.   Intelligence without Ambition, is a Bird without Wings. You have to Systematically create Confusion, it sets Creativity Free. Everything that is Contradictory creates Life. Have…

Pablo Picasso Quotes - Motivational Inspirational Quotes about Work

Motivational Pablo Picasso Quotes

Pablo Picasso was one of the most celebrated Artists of the 20th century. His desire to Innovate and Play with styles is what set him apart from other Painters of the decade. His Artworks are not only Diverse but also beautifully Unique.   Our Goals can only be reached through a Vehicle of a Plan,…

Quotes about Art - Why Art Matters Pablo Picasso Quotes

Pablo Picasso Quotes about Art

Born in southern Spain, Pablo Picasso was a prodigious child who went to become one of the most renowned artists of the world. Known for his ground-breaking and pioneering style. Picasso held various profiles as a painter, sculptor, print maker, ceramicist, stage designer, poet and playwright.   God is really only another Artist. He invented…

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