Missing Goat Number 3 – You Looking for it too?

Missing Goat Number 3 - You Looking for it too?

In class 5, there were two very mischievous children Ravi and Laksh who used to go to school together. One day, Ravi said to Laksh, “Bro, i have an idea.. so that we don’t have to attend classes tomorrow.” Laksh asked curiously, “Tell me.. What’s the idea?” Ravi pointed toward a direction and said, “Look … Read more

Kid Admission Interview..!

Admission Conversation - Encouraging Principal and Kid Dialogue Interesting Story

Kid was bought to school to get admission in U.K.G. for interview as it was very difficult to get through admission in that school. Parents were really worried. Parents and kid entered principle office. Parents sat aside on sofa and kid was sitting in front of principal. Principal started to converse with kid.. here goes.. … Read more

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