How to Overcome Jealousy..?

How to Overcome Jealousy in Friendship - Best Moral Story fr School Kids

Once there were two good friends Arun and Karan. They were classmates since kindergarden. Arun was always ahead of Karan in all fields be it studies or sports or any extra curricular activities. Arun was always selected to perform in all school programs and was famous throughout school. Karan would endeavor to out-do Arun each … Read more

Clever Painter – King’s Portrait..!!

Clever Painter Story - Kings Portrait Creative Thinking Inspirational Stories

Once lived a brave king who had fought many battles and won but unfortunately in his last battle he was badly wounded. King was saved but in that battle he lost his one eye and a leg. One day while King was seeing some of painting of previous King’s of that kingdom. He realized that … Read more

Positive Thinking – Traveler Thoughts..!!

Positive Thinking Stories - Best Moral Stories Abt Importance of Positivity

Once a traveler was passing by a forest. It was hot afternoon and was feeling very tired. After a while he sat under a tree to rest. He felt relived sitting under shade of that tree. While resting he started to feel thirsty and thought that only if he could have some water then he … Read more