Planting Seed in Garden! Motivational Story for Young People

Planting Seed in Garden! Motivational Story for Young People

Arun had no patience at all. He would start a work, do it for few days and then close it and start another work. Many years had passed like this and he had not yet been able to settle down in any business. Arun’s parents were very upset with his habit of his. Seeing no … Read more

God’s Will and Apple from Heaven – God and Little Girl Story

God's Will and Apple from Heaven - God and Little Girl Story

Once there an announcement was made from Heaven that God is coming to distribute apples. So, everyone got ready and stood in line to recieve apple from God. A little girl was very curious because she was going to see God for first time. She was happy with thought of seeing God and getting an … Read more

Poor Woman Response to Secretary – Believe in God

Poor Woman Response to Secretary - Believe in God

There was a poor woman who had firm believe in God. Once, poor woman and her family didn’t get any food for several days. So, she sent a message to God through radio asking him to help her. In same city, an atheist rich man heard this broadcast and thought of doing something which will … Read more

Holding Lamp in Hands – Saint and King Story

Holding Lamp in Hands - Saint and King Story

There was a very religious and knowledgeable King in Mithila. One day, a saint came to meet him. King welcomed and respected saint wholeheartedly and asked the reason for coming to the court. Saint said, “Rajan, i have heard that despite living in palace amidst so much grandeur, you remain aloof from them. I did … Read more

Triple Filter Test – Scholar Advice to Man

Triple Filter Test - Scholar Advice to Man

Once a man came to scholar and said, “Do you know what i have heard about your friend!” Scholar interrupted him and said, “Wait a minute! Before you tell me anything to me about my friend. I want you to do a three filter test.” That man curiously asked, “Three filter test? What do you … Read more

Feel Like Nothing Left in Life? Old Man Inspirational Story 

Feel Like Nothing Left in Life Old Man Inspirational Story 

After his wife died, Ramu was left alone in this world. His only son used to live far way and didn’t even came for his mother’s last rites. Ramu age was sixty five and losing his wife and seeing his son behaviour, he felt as if there was nothing left for him. With time, Ramu … Read more

Sant Malukdas Story – From an Atheist to a Devotee (Must Read)

Sant Malukdas Story - From an Atheist to a Devotee

In old times, lived a Saint Malukdas, who was a karmayogi and had gained immensed knowledge from self study, Satsang and traveling. In the beginning, Saint Malukdas was an atheist. Once, a Sadhu came to his village and stayed. Sadhu used to recite Ramayana to people, every morning and evening. Villagers would visit him and … Read more

Two Prisoners and Snake Story!! Must Read

Two Prisoners and Snake Story!!

Once some scientist thought of an experiment and to do that, two prisoners were chosen, who were sentenced to death. When prisoners were prepared to be bought for punishment, they were told that – you will not be killed by hanging but you will be killed by bite of a poisonous snake. After that, First … Read more

Camels in Saint Convoy – Problems in Life

Camels in Saint Convoy - Problems in Life

Once in a city, lived a man who was not happy with his life. He was always troubled by one or other problem. One day, a Saint convoy stopped at some distance from city. People got to know about him and started reaching him with their problems. Man also decided to visit Saint. Even after … Read more

Does God Eat the Food Offered by Us?

Does God Eat the Food Offered by Us

A disciple asked his Guru, “Does God eat the food offered by us? If yes, then why doesn’t that food gets any less in quantity and if not, then what is the benefit of offering it?” Guru ji did not give any answer immediately. After completing the lesson, Guru ji recited a verse and asked … Read more

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