Three Friends and Saint – Story about Giving

Three Friends and Saint - Story about Giving

Three friends were having food in Bhandara. (Bhandara service in Hindu Dharma, is the special free of cost meal, served to the devotees present in the Temple.) While eating food, first friend said, “I wish, i too could do such Bhandara..” Second said, “Yes friend, but our salary is not even enough to meet our … Read more

Two Brothers and Demon – Facing Fears

Two Brothers and Demon - Facing Fears

Once two brothers were passing through a forest. A lot of time passed while walking and sun was about to set. Seeing that it was not possible to proceed further in dark, younger brother said, “Brother, we should stay here till morning and as soon as dawn breaks, we will proceed to our destination.” Elder … Read more

What Will People Say!! Monk Story

What Will People Say!! Motivational Story

A monk went to the bank of a river and after drinking water, put his head on a stone and fell asleep. Just then 3-4 Paniharins (water woman) came for water at that river. First Paniharin said, “Oh! He became a monk yet he can not leave it attachment to pillow. Even if it is … Read more

Rattling Sound and Thirsty Horse – Deep Meaning

Rattling Sound and Horse - Deep Meaning

A man was going somewhere on a horse. After long journey his horse became very thirsty but man didn’t had any water left with him. He started looking around. He saw that at a far away well, a farmer was watering his fields using ‘Rahat’. Traveler came to well requested farmer to let his horse … Read more

Elephant Tied by Rope! Trapped in a Mindset

Elephant Tied by Rope! Trapped in a Mindset

One day a man went to see circus. After show was over, while leaving, he passed by enclosure of elephants. Man thought that because elephant was such giant animal, it must be kept locked in big cage but scene was completely opposite. There he saw that elephant was kept only by tying a rope to … Read more

Problems Written on Paper – Scholar Solution

Problems Written on Paper - Scholar Solution

Long ago, a very learned Scholar came to Himalaya to live a secluded life devoted to God only. But because of his fame, people starting coming to Himalaya’s looking for him, so that they can get solutions to their problems. Despite the difficult path one had to walk to reach Scholar’s place, with time more … Read more

Man Lost all Hope – Grass and Bamboo Story

Man Lost all Hope - Grass and Bamboo Story

Once a businessman became hopeless after, his business failed. He became frustrated with life and one day while upset, he went to forest and sat alone in forest. While sitting there, he thought for long and then said to God, “Tell me one reason why i should not despair, i lost everything, what should i … Read more

Three Balls Story – Reason for Unhappiness

Three Balls Story - Reason for Unhappiness

Once there was a man who was very successful in his life but in spite of having everything, he was not happy. One day man got to know about saint who came to his city. Man went to Saint and said, “I have car, bungalow, money and all means of luxury, still i am not … Read more

King Stuck in Difficult Situation – Monk Advice

King Stuck in Difficult Situation - Monk Advice

Once a Monk was pleased with service of King. Before leaving, he gave King a tails man and said, “Always keep it with you and whenever such a situation comes in life, you feel everything is going to end now, if you feel yourself trapped, when there is despair and frustration, then you open this … Read more

Stone Value at Different Places – Father Son Story

Stone Value at Different Place - Father Son Story

One day son went to his father and asked, “Father, what is the value of life?” Father smiled and said, “If you really want to understand the value of your life, then you have to do as i say..” Son agreed. Father bought a stone and gave it to his son and said, “Son, take … Read more

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