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23 Motivational Quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson

23 Motivational Quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American Essayist, Lecturer, Philosopher and Poet who led the Transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century. His first Two collections of Essays are “Essays: First Series” and “Essays: Second Series” represent the Core of his Thinking.   Do not go where the Path may Lead, go instead where there is No…

20 Motivational Quotes by Florence Nightingale Lady with the Lamps

20 Motivational Quotes by Florence Nightingale

Popularly known as “Lady with the Lamps” Florence Nightingale is the Mother of Modern Nursing. She was an Active social reformer from England. Nightingale received the Tag due her Dedicated efforts to tend the Wounded soldiers during the Crimean War, thus becoming an Icon during the Victorian Era.   #Life Never Lose an Opportunity of…

20 Galileo Galilei Quotes - Motivational Quotes by Physicist

20 Galileo Galilei Quotes

Galileo Galilei was a Famous Italian Physicist, Astronomer and Philosopher who made significant contributions to the Sciences of Motion, Astronomy and to the Development of the Scientific method. He is Best known for Improving the Telescope to Gain better knowledge of the Planets and Stars.   I have Never met a man so Ignorant that…

16 Motivational Quotes by Elon Musk Successful Entrepreneur

16 Motivational Quotes by Elon Musk

Elon Musk is an Entrepreneur, Business magnate, Investor, Engineer and Inventor. The Founder of Solar City, Tesla and SpaceX. He became a Multimillionaire in his late 20’s.   #Motivational It is Possible for Ordinary people to Choose to be Extraordinary. Persistence is very Important. You should not Give up unless you are Forced to give…

40 Short Quotes on Life by Leonardo Da Vinci Famous Renaissance Painter

40 Short Quotes on Life by Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci was a Painter, Architect, Sculptor, Military engineer. He was a Famous artist and Curious mind with an Insatiable desire for Knowledge who became a Symbol of the Renaissance.   Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication. Study without Desire spoils the Memory and It Retains nothing that it Takes in. Nothing can be Loved…

Ways to Live Better Life - Quotes by Dalai Lama

Ways to Live Better Life – Quotes by Dalai Lama

It is under the Greatest adversity that There exists the Greatest potential for doing Good, both for Oneself and Others. Hard times build Determination and Inner strength. Through them we can also come to Appreciate the Uselessness of Anger. Instead of getting Angry, nurture a Deep caring and Respect for troublemakers because by Creating such…

Compassion n Life Quotes by Dalai Lama

Compassion n Life Quotes by Dalai Lama

#Life Sometimes one creates a Dynamic impression by saying Something and Sometimes One creates as Significant an Impression by remaining Silent. Although you may not Always be able to Avoid difficult situations, You can modify the Extent to which you can Suffer by how you Choose to respond to the Situation. We can Live without…

18 Quotes for Life by Dalai Lama - Motivational Quotes

18 Quotes for Life by Dalai Lama

It is Under the Greatest Adversity that there Exists the Greatest Potential for doing Good, both for Oneself and Others. People take Different roads seeking Fulfillment and Happiness. Just Because they are Not on your Road doesn’t Mean they have gotten Lost. Give the Ones you Love wings to Fly, Roots to come back and…

32 Short Motivational Quotes for Life by Dalai Lama

32 Short Motivational Quotes for Life by Dalai Lama

The Goal is not to be Better than the other man but Your Previous self. Happiness is not something Ready made. It comes from Your own Actions. To Conquer oneself is a Greater Victory than to Conquer thousands in a Battle. If you Think you are too Small to make a Difference, Try Sleeping with…

24 Motivational n Life Quotes by Barack Obama

24 Motivational Quotes by Barack Obama

Be Conscious of God and Speak always the Truth. Don’t let your Failures Define you. We are the Ones we have been Waiting for. You can’t Let your Failures define you – You have to Let them Teach you. You have to Let them Show you what to do Differently next time. A Change is…

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