Be Good to Others!! Short Stories with Life Lesson

Echo in Hills - Short Stories with Life Lesson

Story 1: Man Complain – Everyone is Mean!! A man went to his Guru and said, “Guru ji, my wife children, relatives and people from work, Everyone is mean. What should i do?” Listening to this, Guru ji smiled and told him a story. He said, “Once in a village, there was a specials room … Read more

Four Women and Their Son Qualities..!

Four Women and Their Son Qualities..!

Four women came to fill water at the well of village. While they were filling water, they started talking to each other. While talking, they started extolling the qualities of their son. First woman said, “My son plays flute. He plays so well that whoever hears his flute, becomes mesmerized. I am very happy to … Read more

Helping Vegetable Seller – Mother Lesson for Son

Helping Vegetable Seller - Mother Lesson for Son

A young boy used to watch his mother buying vegetables from a lady vegetable seller, who used to come their door steps every day. One particular day, vegetable seller brought bundles of spinach, price 6rs/bundle. Young boy saw that his mother counter bid was exactly half of that amount. Her mother offered that she would … Read more

Why One Should Not React to Verbal Abuse?

One Should React or Not to Abuse - Mother Son Story

Once in a morning, in a village, a boy and his mother were going to market just then a woman came. She stood in front of them blocking their way and started abusing boy’s mother. That woman uttered a lot of abusive words to boy’s mother but even after hearing those abuse, boy’s mother didn’t … Read more

Inspirational Story of Enrico Caruso

Inspirational Story of Enrico Caruso - Hardwork n Success Story

Once upon a time in city of Naples in Italy, a young boy of about eleven years old who used to live with his mother. They were very poor, so both of them had to work so that they can earn enough money to buy their daily needs. Boy used to work in factory. Young … Read more

Scientist Childhood Story – Learning From Mistakes

Learning from Mistakes Moral Stories - Example of Good Parenting

Once a famous scientist was interviewed by a reporter. Reported asked him,”What do you think you set you apart from others?” He replied, “I think it all came from an experience that occured in my childhood. When i was 3 years old, i was trying to get a bottle of milk from refrigerator and while … Read more

How to Overcome Jealousy..?

How to Overcome Jealousy in Friendship - Best Moral Story fr School Kids

Once there were two good friends Arun and Karan. They were classmates since kindergarden. Arun was always ahead of Karan in all fields be it studies or sports or any extra curricular activities. Arun was always selected to perform in all school programs and was famous throughout school. Karan would endeavor to out-do Arun each … Read more

Action Speak Louder than Words..!!

Action Speaks Louder Than Words Story - Sweet Eating Habit Story With Lesson

Once there was a little boy became obsessed with eating sweets. His mother got worried because of his excessive sweet eating habit and tried many ways to stop him from eating. However nothing seemed to work. Near near village lived a wise man who was respected by everyone. So she decided to take him to … Read more

Swami Vivekananda’s Test..!!

Swami Vivekananda Mother Story - Thinking about Others Well being Story

Swami Vivekananda had vast knowledge of both eastern and western culture. He had brilliant conversation skills and deep spiritual insight due to which in 1893 he was selected to be present Hinduism at the world’s Parliament of Religion which was to be heal at Chicago. Just day before leaving for abroad to attend Parliament of … Read more

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