Is Evil Created by God? Student Answer to Professor

Evil is Created by God? Student Answer to Professor

One day, a professor asked his students, “Whatever exists in this world, God has created it.. Right?” Everyone said, “Yes.” Professor said, “This means that even evil is created by God.” When professor said this, a student stood up and said, “Sir, don’t reach this conclusion so quickly.” Professor said, “Why? Everyone agreed that everything … Read more

Price of Sculptures and Criticism – Master Disciple Relationship

Price of Sculptures and Criticism - Master Disciple Relationship

Long ago, a master and his disciple used to work together to make statues. They used to make their living by selling idols. With time, disciple started making very good sculptures and idols. Soon, his work started to sell for more amount than his master’s idol could get. Disciple started feeling that he had become … Read more

Needle Tree and Brothers – Be Kind Always

Needle Tree and Brothers - Be Kind Always

Long time ago, a village was situated on the edge of a dense forest. Two brothers used to live in that village. Elder brother was selfish and greedy while younger was kind. Younger brother loved the elder brother very much but elder would always misbehave with him. One day elder brother went to forest to … Read more

Effect of Teaching in Life – Buddha’s Discourse

Effect of Teaching in Life - Buddha Discourse

Buddha used to give discourse to his followers. Not only people from village but many people from far away places would come to listen to his discourse. A person used to come from far away, everyday to listen to discourse given by Buddha. For about a month, he continued to come to listen to discourse. … Read more

Tiger and Donkey Story – Arguing with Fool

Tiger and Donkey Story - Arguing with Fool

Once a donkey and a tiger got into argument about color of grass. Donkey said that color of grass is blue while tiger said that color of grass is green. Soon, argument became heated, both of them decided to submit issue to arbitration. They approached King of Jungle, Lion for this. As they approached lion, … Read more

Two Brothers Story – Different Way of Thinking

Two Brothers Story - Different Way of Thinking

In a small village, lived two brothers with their father who was an alcoholic. Father was abusive and used to beat both brothers. When both grew up, elder brother became an alcoholic just like his father where as younger brother became a successful business man. Despite being bought up by same father, how come one … Read more

Brakes in Car – Teacher Question and Point of View

Breaks in Car - Teacher Question and Point of View

Once in physics class, teacher asked students, “Why do we have brakes in our car?” A student got up and replied, “Sir, to stop the car.” Another student replied, “To reduce and control speed of car.” Another said, “To avoid collision.” Soon, all the students began to give similar answer. So, teacher decided to answer … Read more

Friends Argument and Two Sack of Rice Short Story

Friends Argument and Two Sack of Rice Short Story

Once in a village lived two friends Rinku and Mohan. Both of them together bought a piece of land and decided to start farming of crops on that land. Mohan was hard working where as Rinku believed that if he would just sit and pray all day long then God will get all work done … Read more

Last Seven Days of Life – Saint Teaching to Disciple

Last Seven Days of Life - Saint Teaching to Disciple

Once upon a time in an ashram, Saint was giving discourse to his disciples, just then a man entered ashram and started abusing Saint. Saint didn’t said anything to that man. After a while that man left. A disciple who was present there saw this and got angry. He wondered why Saint didn’t respond to … Read more

Story of Spider’s Web – Listening to Others Opinions

Story of Spider's Web - Listening to Others Opinions

A spider was looking for a suitable place to make its web. He wanted his web to be in such a place where a lot of insects and files would come and get trapped in his web. In this way he wanted to spend his life eating, drinking and relaxing with pleasure. Soon, he found … Read more

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