Oil Lamp and Traveler – Chanakya Story of Patriotism

Chanakya Story - Short Real Life Story abt True Patriotism n Nationalism

Once a traveler came to meet Chanakya. When traveler reached Chanakya’s home, dusk and darkness had just started to set in. When traveler entered inside, he saw that Chanakya was busy writing some papers under the light of an oil lamp (Because in those time there was no electricity). Chanakya smiling welcomed guest and asked … Read more

Ultimate Sacrifice – Panna Dai Story of Loyalty

Short Moral Stories on Loyalty - Heart Touching Story of Mother

In 16th century, there was nurse name Panna dai who was in service to Maharana Sangram Singh. She was responsible for taking care of son of Raja. She used to take care of him along with her own son Chandan who was of similar age as Young Udai. Both kids used to play together. During … Read more

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