Three Knots in Rope – Buddha’s Teaching

Three Knots in Rope - Buddha's Teaching

One morning when disciples and people were waiting for Buddha for discourse, they were amazed to see that he had bought something with him. On closer look they saw that he had bought a rope in his hand. Buddha took seat and without saying anything to anyone, he started tying knots in the rope. After … Read more

Elephant Trapped in Muddy Pond – Buddha’s Help

Elephant Trapped in Muddy Pond - Buddha's Help

A King had many elephants. One of them was very powerful, obedient and skilled in fighting. He went with King in many wars and was King’s favorite. As time passed, elephant got old and King cared for him and would not take him to war with him anymore. One day, elephant went to near by … Read more

Blind Man and His Friends Argument – Buddha’s Teaching

Buddha Teaching Story - Blind man and His Friends Argument Short Story

Once Buddha was visiting a small village. There people got to know about his visit and started to come to him about their problems. One day, some people brought a blind man to him and said, “He is blind. We are his closest friends. We told him about light but he is not ready to … Read more

Young Man Request – Buddha Wisdom

Buddha Wisdom - Young man Request to Buddha and his Response Story

One day a young man went to Buddha and seemed very upset. Buddha asked him reason. Young man told him that his father has died and he wants to perform best after life rituals for his father and despite of his father’s good or bad actions in his life, he wants his father’s soul to … Read more

Buddha and Philosopher – Power of Silence

Power of Silence Story - Buddha and Philosopher Spiritual Enlightenment

Once a great philosopher came to Buddha. He had lot of questions to ask. He came to Buddha and started asking questions to him. Buddha listened to him and said, “Do you really want answer? If you really want it, can you pay the price?” Philosopher replied, “My whole life, i have been searching for … Read more

Buddha’s Wisdom (Must Read)

Buddha Wisdom Stories - Inner Calmness vs Anger Short Moral Story

Once Buddha was sitting under a tree. A man came to him and started abusing him. After abusing Buddha that man stood there waiting for some Buddha’s response or reaction but to his surprise there wasn’t even slightest change in Buddha’s expression. Man got more angry and used more insulting words to insult Buddha. Still … Read more

Way to Calm Mind..!!

Buddhist Stories of Wisdom - How to Calm Disturbed Mind Short Stories

Once Buddha with his followers was traveling from one town to another town. While traveling they walked by a lake. After some time they all stopped to rest. After all settled down one of his disciples asked him, “How can we calm mind when we have disturbing thoughts??” Buddha was sitting under tree and said … Read more

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