Man Holding Rope – Who is Real Owner?

man was holding a rope tied to cow

Once a man was holding a rope tied to cow and was trying to take her home but cow didn’t want to go and was not moving even an inch. Man tried many times to move cow on way towards his home but cow resisted. A lot of time passed like this. A saint was … Read more

True Love – Valentine’s Special Story

Valentine Special Story - Girl and Boy Heart Touching Story abt True Love

Once a girl and boy fell in love. Girl’s parents weren’t too happy with this relation, So boy decided not only to court girl but her parents as well. In time, Girl’s parent realized that he was good man and agreed for their marriage. When parents agreed, another problem arised. Boy was in army and … Read more

Sufi Saint – Overcome Disappointments!!

Sufi Saints Stories - Life Lessons abt Overcoming Disappointments Story

Once a famous Sufi saint was invited to give a lecture at a auditorium. Time decided to start lecture in morning was 9am.. On decided day, whole auditorium was full. Everyone was eager to listen to Sufi saint. At the time of lecture, one of organizer came on stage and said, “Saint, just woke up.. … Read more

King and Old man Story – Expectations

Moral Stories for Expectations - Deep Meaning Encouraging Short Stories

Once in a winter time, King was roaming outside his palace. At night when he was entering his palace, he saw an old man at the entry gate of palace. When King got close he saw that he was an old man who was wearing very thin cloths which were not even warm. King was … Read more

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