Boys Challenge to Monk – Story about Belief

Boys Challenge to Monk - Story about Belief

Once, there was a drought in a village. The crops were drying up due to lack of rain. The villagers were worried and sad. They felt that the entire crop would be ruined. Then one day a Monk came to the village and started dancing with enthusiasm. Anyone who saw him in the village would … Read more

Heart of Clay – Young Boy and Monk Story

Heart of Clay - Young Boy and Monk Story

In a village, lived a couple with their son. Their son used to stay irritated all the time and used to get angry over little talks. Everyday, he used to get in quarrel with people in his neighborhood. He didn’t even had any friends. Parents got worried about their son. One day a monk arrived … Read more

Monk Offer to Sailor! Story to Make You Think

Monk Offer to Sailor! Story to Make You Think

Everyday a sailor used to take a monk from one side of river to another side. He would not take anything in return. Sailor was not well educated but there was no lack of understanding. On way, monk used to talk about his knowledge with sailor, sometimes telling him about omnipresence of God, sometimes he … Read more

Monk Meditation and Disturbance – Anger Story

Monk Meditation and Disturbance - Anger Story

Once a monk used lived in monastery with other monks. One day he decided to meditate alone away from his monastery. There was a lake near by where not many people would visit. He decided to go to that lake to meditate. When he reached lake, there was no one else. He took a boat … Read more

Man and His Two Son Problem – Spending Money

Man and His Two Son Problem - Spending Money

A man had two sons. Nature of both sons was opposite to each other. One was very stingy about spending money and other used to overspend. Father was upset because of both. He told them many times to spend money in moderation but still they couldn’t understand. One day man came to know that a … Read more

Monk Alms-pot Story – How to Pacify Human Desires

Monk Alms-pot Story - How to Pacify Human Desires

Once a monk came to King’s palace. It was King’s rule to fulfill any wish of the first person who came at his palace to ask for anything. So, King said to him, “Ask whatever you want..” Monk was carrying a small alms pot with him, holding it in his hand, he said, “Just fill … Read more

Women Comments at Monk Resting by River Side

Women Comment at Monk Resting by River Side

Once a Monk went to river to drink water. After drinking water, he laid down by river side resting his head on stone. Just then a group of women came to fill water from river. Seeing Monk resting, one of them said, “Hm.. Even after renouncing everything and becoming a monk, he couldn’t leave need … Read more

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