Villagers Comment on Woman’s Character – Monk Reply

Villagers Comment on Woman's Character - Monk Reply

Once a monk visited a village. Many people visited him. Among many villagers was one woman who was despised by others. After talking for a while, woman invited him to her house for dinner. Monk humbly accepted the invitation and started following her. On way, when people saw that monk was going with that woman, … Read more

Handful of Pearls! Monk’s Strange Demand – Deep Meaning

Handful of Pearls! Monk's Strange Demand - Deep Meaning

Once there was monk who way of asking for alms was very strange. Monk would stand in front of house and call out saying, “Mother! Give me a handful of pearls. God will bless you.” Hearing this kind of demand from a monk was strange for everyone who would hear this. Once a woman said, … Read more

Princess and Monk Difference in Thinking! Story abt Renunciation

Princess and Monk Difference in Thinking! Story about Renunciation

Long ago, there was a girl who despite being born in King’s family, had feelings of renunciation. When the princess got at age of getting married, King was not able to find a suitable groom for her marriage. Understanding the feelings of his daughter, the King, after much thought, got her married to a poor … Read more

Washer Man Calm Response to Monk – Anger Story

Washer Man Calm Response to Monk - Anger Story

Once a Monk was sitting on a big rock situated in the bank of river. At same place, daily a washer man used to come to wash clothes as there was only one rock on bank of river, which could be used while washing clothes. Today, when washer man came and saw monk sitting on … Read more

Monk’s Solution for Rich Man Fear of Death!

Monk's Medicine for Rich Man Fear of Death!

Once a rich man used to live in a city. He had established his business even in foreign countries. With time he became one of the richest person in his country. He bought many properties and had his house built like a palace. He started to live a comfortable life with his big family. One … Read more

King Stuck in Difficult Situation – Monk Advice

King Stuck in Difficult Situation - Monk Advice

Once a Monk was pleased with service of King. Before leaving, he gave King a tails man and said, “Always keep it with you and whenever such a situation comes in life, you feel everything is going to end now, if you feel yourself trapped, when there is despair and frustration, then you open this … Read more

Merchant and Five Donkeys – Monk’s Dream

Merchant and Five Donkeys - Monk's Dream

Monk was going somewhere. On way he saw a merchant going with five donkeys carrying bags which looked too heavy for donkeys to carry. Monk asked merchant, “What have you kept in these bags, which these poor donkeys are not able to carry?” Merchant replied, “These bags are filled with things of human use. I … Read more

Monk Offer to King – Change in Thinking

Monk Offer to King - Change in Thinking

A King used to rule in a kingdom and there was no shortage of money and grain in his kingdom. His subjects used to live happily under his rule. One year, there was a severe famine in his kingdom. Crops dried up and because of which farmers couldn’t pay taxes. Due to this, there was … Read more

Mystery of Light – Villager Question to Sage

Mystery of ALight - Villager Question to Sage

Long time ago, there were two Monks who used to live in two neighboring caves. Both monks spent most of their time in deep meditation. Sometimes, people from surrounding village come to monk for advice. People felt peaceful and happy when Monks were around. Some people who came to visit monks noticed that, in one … Read more

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