Soil Smell Like Rose! Monk Lesson for Disciples

Soil Smell Like Rose! Monk Lesson for Disciples

A monk was going for a walk with his disciples. On way, he was explaining them about importance of keeping good company to his disciples. Monk saw that disciples were not able to understand it. On way, monk saw a rose plant full of flowers. Seeing it, he asked a disciple to immediately pick a … Read more

Monk Question – Why People Shout at Other When Angry?

Monk Question to Disciple - Why People Shout at Other When Angry!

One day, a monk with his disciple reached bank of river. There they saw that, some people of a family were talking and suddenly started shouting at each other in anger. Seeing this monk asked his disciple, “Why people shout at each other, when angry?” Disciples replied, “Because person loses his peace in anger.” Monk … Read more

Blank Paper – Old Monk and Scholar Story

Blank Paper - Old Monk and Scholar Story

Once an eminent and famous scholar who was well versed in scriptures went to an old monk and said, “I want to learn real truth of life. Please guide me.” Old monk asked, “Who are you?” Scholar said, “You don’t know me? I am a learned scholar in many scriptures and i have a great … Read more

Rich Man and Two Dog Story – Giver or Receiver?

Rich Man n Two Dog - Giver or Receiver

Once there was a rich man who was owner of big factories. One day he closed his factories and all business and became a monk. Now, he only used to do devotional service to God and soon he became famous. People started coming to him to listen to his discourse. One day, he told his … Read more

What is Essence of Education? Saint Answer

What is Essence of Education - Disciple Question

There was an ashram of saint on banks of Ganges in Kashi. His disciples also used to live there. One day one of his disciple asked, “What is essence of education?” Saint smiled and said, “One day you will know about it yourself..” After some days, at night saint gave a book to his disciple … Read more

Sincere Prayer – Disciple Question to Saint Ramdas

Sincere Prayer - Disciple Question to Saint Ramdas

When Saint Ramdas prayed, his lips never moved. One of his disciple noticed it and got curious. So, one day his disciple went to him and asked, “When we pray, lips move. Your lips don’t move. You stand like a stone idol. Usually, if you say something internally, even then there is a slight vibration … Read more

Young Monk and Amrapali – Buddha’s Disciple Story

Young Monk and Amrapali - Buddha's Disciple Story

In Vaishali lived a famous courtesan Amrapali. She was very beautiful and was declared Nagarvadhu of Vaishali. (In those times, the most beautiful woman of any city will not be allowed to get married to any one person. So the most beautiful woman had to become nagarvadhu – the wife of the whole town.) One … Read more

Two Words Rule at Monastery! A Complaining Mind

Two Words Rule at Monastery! Zen Story with Moral Lesson

Once there used to a monastery where rules were very strict. One rule was not to speak even a word. All monks in monastery adhered to this rule. Every one who joined monastery had taken up strict vow of silence. Though there was a rule to not speak a word, once monk completed one years … Read more

Five Monks Journey – Distractions and Destination

Five Monks Journey - Distractions and Destination

Once a lama who was working in a faraway valley, wrote a letter to chief of monastery. In letter he said, “Send one more lama, we need him here.” Chief called all his disciples and read that letter in front of them. Then he said, “I would like to send five of you.” One lama … Read more

King’s Reaction – Disciple Test Story

Disciple Test Story - Last Initiation Test by Master and King Reaction Story

Once a disciple as going to be given his last initiation by his master. Once he passes his last initiation he would be declared enlightened. Disciple went to master and said, “I am ready. Please tell me what i have to do for my last initiation.” Master said, “You have to go to King, early … Read more

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