Put the Camel on Roof! Guru and Disciple Relation

Put the Camel on Roof! Story about Guru and Disciple Relation

A Guru had two disciples. One was named Gora and other was named Kala. Guru was more attached to Kala. A person who used to visit Guru ji regularly for his blessing, asked him, “Guru ji, Gora does all the work in ashram. Yet you give so much importance to Kala, why?” Guru said, “Tomorrow … Read more

Teacher Question to Student – Short Stories

Teacher Question to Student - Short Stories

Story 1: Trying to Erase One’s Mistake! A kid when started using using pen in middle school, while writing made a mistake. So, before submitting he tried to erase it. Kid tried to use chalk, but after a while, his mistake were visible again. So, he began to use his saliva to rub out his … Read more

Who is Good? Who is Bad?

Who is Good Who is Bad Stories for Adult

This story is from time of Mahabharata, When Guru Drona Acharya (Master) was teaching Pandavas and Kauravas. One day Acharya thought of testing his disciples. He called Duryodhana (Kaurava) and said, “Do one thing, go and search for a good man and bring him to me.” Duryodhana said, “Ok. I will leave right now and … Read more

Farmer Digging Wells – Rumi and His Disciples Story

Farmer Digging Wells - Rumi and His Disciples Story

Once Jalaluddin Rumi took all his disciples to a field. Disciples thought, “What message is he going to give us at that faraway field? Why can’t he say it here?” When they reached field, they saw that a farmer was digging a well in his field and he had already dug eight incomplete wells. He … Read more

Student’s Work of Art – Painting Competition

Master Suggestion and Student's Work of Art - Painting Competition

Once a boy name Raman was studying art under guidance of a great master. Master taught Raman how to draw and paint, mixing colors and other various techniques. Raman was a quick learner. His master was proud of him. Once a competition was announced for budding painters. Artists were asked to send their paintings. Raman … Read more

Young Man Search for Perfect Master..!

Young Man Search for Perfect Master - Life Lesson Zen Stories

Long ago, a man went in search of Master. He was determined to find Master for himself, and for that he was even ready to go around world. When he began his journey, just outside his village, he saw an old man who was sitting under a tree. Man went to him and said, “You … Read more

Way to Overcome Fear – Master Teaching

Way to Overcome Fear and Cowardice - Master Teaching

Once in a city, lived a martial arts teacher who was wise and famous for his teachings. There lived a man who was scared of everything and would run away from everything that scared him. It was getting difficult for him to live normally. So one day he decided to go to Master for help. … Read more

Old Thief Lesson to Young Man.!

Old Thief Story - Self Awareness Lesson Taught to Young Man Short Story

Once a man was known as master thief in kingdom. He was well known and famous all over kingdom. He was so much expert that nobody had ever been able to catch him. He would always leave marks so that people would know that he had stolen from there. He had stolen even from King’s … Read more

Old Zen Master and Archer Story..!

Old Man and Archer Zen Story - Learning Zen Ways for Better Control

Once a man was perfect in archery. He went to Emperor of China and said that he wants to be recognized as greatest and best archer in China and for that he was ready for any challenge. Emperor said, “Have you heard about an old archer who lives deep in mountains?” Man replied, “I haven’t … Read more

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