Lion Offer to Cat – Bitter Truth of Today’s World

Lion Offer to Cat - Bitter Truth of Today's World

Long time ago, lived a lion in a cave. All animals of forest were afraid of lion. One day, a mouse entered lion’s cave, thinking that no animal would come near lion’s cave, mouse found it to be most appropriate place to stay safe. Mouse dug a burrow in lion’s cave and started living there. … Read more

Dispute Between Monkey and Lion Story

Dispute Between Monkey and Lion Story

Once upon a time, there was dispute between lion and monkey and topic of debate was – Intelligence is Superior to Strength. According to lion, strength was superior but monkey said that intelligence was superior. Both had their own arguments and were trying to prove themselves right. Monkey said, “Intelligence is best. With intelligence you … Read more

Lion and Mouse – Short Story for Kids

Lion and Mouse - Short Story for Kids

Once, a lion was sleeping comfortably under the shade of a tree after eating and drinking. After a while, from somewhere a naughty mouse reached there and started playing around. While playing mouse climbed on top of the lion, ran on lion’s back, climbed on lion’s head. He was having a lot of fun. Lion’s … Read more

Four Friends and Lion Story!

Four Friends and Lion Story!

Once in a village, lived a four friends. Among them three had finest knowledge of scriptures while one friend didn’t had much knowledge of scriptures but was wise. One day they started discussing future. First friend said, “We have acquired so much knowledge and i have heard that King of state have great respect for … Read more

Tiger and Donkey Story – Arguing with Fool

Tiger and Donkey Story - Arguing with Fool

Once a donkey and a tiger got into argument about color of grass. Donkey said that color of grass is blue while tiger said that color of grass is green. Soon, argument became heated, both of them decided to submit issue to arbitration. They approached King of Jungle, Lion for this. As they approached lion, … Read more

Clever Camel and Fox Story

Clever Camel and Fox Story - Fox Trickery Story with Advice for Kids

Once a fox used to live near a garden, from there he would eat his fill and return. One day, gardener found out about him and patched the hole from which fox used to come inside garden. Fox was not able to find any way to get back into garden and grew hungrier, with each … Read more

Clever Rabbit and Foolish Lion Story

Clever Rabbit and Lion Story - Best Famous Panchatantra Stories for Kids

Once upon a time, there was a valley surrounded by mountains. Many animals animals like rabbits, squirrels, deer etc made this lovely valley their home. They all lived peacefully in this valley as there was no wolf or lion. But one day, a Lion climbed down the mountains and entered valley. Not sooner had he … Read more

Chaos in Forest..!!

Panchatantra Short Stories - Handling Rumors Wisely Moral Story to Learn

Once upon a time in a forest a hare was resting under a tree. While resting he was thinking about what would happen to him if earth break. Just then he heard a very weird sound. He got scared and said, “Earth is breaking up..” and started running. On his way another hare saw him … Read more

Lion and Mouse Short Story

Tales of Panchtantra - The Lion and The Mouse Short Story

Story 1: The Lion and The Mouse Story Once in a forest lived very strong lion. One day while lion was sleeping under tree a mouse came and started playing near him. Few minutes later mouse started to play on lion’s body and pulled lion’s whiskers. Lion woke up because of this and caught mouse … Read more

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