Man Question to Buddha – Why There is No Change in Me?

Man Question to Buddha - Why Still There is No Change in Me

Buddha used to give discourse on river bank. Many people used to come to listen to him. Everyone listened to him very attentively. A person used to come daily from far away to listen to Buddha’s discourse. One day, after discourse ended, he went to Buddha and said, “I listen to your teachings everyday but … Read more

Person at the Door – Heart Warming Story about God

Person at the Door - Heart Warming Story about God

One morning doorbell rang. When Kamlesh opened the door, he saw an attractive stature person standing there with a sweet smile on his face. Kamlesh asked, “Who are you?” Person replied, “Well, i am one to whom you pray everyday.” Kamlesh with confused look replied, “Sorry but i don’t recognize you.” Person said, “Brother, i … Read more

King Lesson to His Sons – Different Seasons Story

King Lesson to His Sons - Different Seasons Story

Long time ago, there was a kingdom in far south. It’s King had three sons. One day he thought that his sons should be given some education to prepare them for the time they take the reigns. With this thought, King called his three sons to the court and said, “There is a pear tree … Read more

Saint Teaching and King Realization – Give up Your Ego

Saint Teaching and King Realization - Give up Your Ego

Once a King impressed by fame of a saint sent him valuable gifts with invite to his palace but saint didn’t accept that invitation. King tried again and this time he himself went to saint and said, “Master, please give me an opportunity to welcome you in my palace. Please accept my invitation.” Listening to … Read more

Buddha and Criminal – Life Transformation Story

Life Transformation Stories - Desire and Intensity to Change Life Story

Once a man who was a well known criminal, sinner. One day he decided to go meet Buddha. He wanted to be initiated and wanted Buddha’s help but he was afraid people might not allow him to enter at his place. So, he decided to go at such time when there were not too many … Read more

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