Half Truth – Captain and Sailor Story

Record on Register - Captain and Sailor Story

A sailor had been working on a ship for three years. One day sailor got drunk at night. This happened for the first time in three years. Captain recorded the incident in the register as – The sailor was drunk tonight. Sailor read that and knew that this one sentence would have very bad effect … Read more

Success Result of Hard Work or Luck? (Must Read)

Success Result of Hard Work or Luck - Must Read

One man used to go food vendor occasionally. Man and food vendor used to talk about many topics and it was interesting and fun for both of them to discuss about various things. One day, while food vendor was preparing food, they started discussing about Hard work and Luck. Man asked food vendor, “What do … Read more

Burning House and It’s Owner – Cause of Sorrow

Burning House and It's Owner - Cause of Sorrow

In a city, there was luxurious house which was considered most beautiful house in that city. Whenever people see it, they couldn’t leave without praising. Owner was very proud of his house. Once owner of house went out of city for few days for work. When he returned he was surprised to see some smoke … Read more

King Lesson to His Sons – Different Seasons Story

King Lesson to His Sons - Different Seasons Story

Long time ago, there was a kingdom in far south. It’s King had three sons. One day he thought that his sons should be given some education to prepare them for the time they take the reigns. With this thought, King called his three sons to the court and said, “There is a pear tree … Read more

Glass of Lemonade – Teacher Student Story

Glass of Lemonade - Teacher Student Story

There was college student who was always silent and alone. He always seemed bit nervous and didn’t even had any friends. His teacher noticed this and one day asked him to meet him after class. When student went to see teacher, teacher said to him, “I see that you are often very quiet. Neither do … Read more

Priest Rescue Story – God’s Ways to Help

Priest Rescue Story - God's Ways to Help

Long ago, there was a small village by the river. Everyone lived happily and would regularly go to temple to pray. Once during monsoon season, it rained heavily and because of this river started overflowing, flood entered village. Knowing this everyone started to evacuate village, to go to a safe place. One man ran to … Read more

Why do we Suffer? Guru Disciple Story about Karma

Why do we Suffer? Guru Disciple Story about Karma

Why we got this life? Why do we suffer? One day, a Mahatma went to a walk with his disciple. Mahatma liked to speak less and do his work peacefully where as disciple was very agile. While walking, they were passing by a pond and there they saw that a fisherman was laying a trap … Read more

Three Teachers – Story about Learning from Others

Three Teacher - Story about Learning from Others

Long ago, in a village lived a Sage who was very famous and had many disciples. One day one of his disciples came to him and asked, “Guru Ji, who is your Guru(Teacher)? From whom did you gain your knowledge?” Sage smiled at disciples question and replied, “I have thousands of Guru! If i start … Read more