King Anger and Parrot Story! Why to Control Your Anger

King Anger and Parrot Story! Why to Control Your Anger

Once a king got lost in a dense forest and starting feeling thirsty. He had no water with him. Despite searching around, he couldn’t find water anywhere. His throat was getting dry, just then his eyes fell in a tree. From branch of that tree small drops of water were falling. King went near tree … Read more

When Someone Abuse your Verbally – Warrior Story

When Someone Abuse your Verbally - Warrior Story

Once in a kingdom lived a great warrior. He had never lost to anyone. He was famous in his kingdom as well as in neighboring kingdom. Many young man used to come to him to learn war skills. One day, a notorious young fighter came to kingdom. This young man was determined to defeat great … Read more

Horse Race Challenge to Raman – Secret to Success

Horse Race Challenge to Raman - Secret to Success

Once an Arab who used to sell horse came to Vijayanagar from Persia with ship of horses. Many people in King’s court used to buy horses from Arabia. One day, Raman said that horses of Vijayanagar were better than horses from Arabia. Listening to this, ministers in court, who bought horses from Arab, challenged Raman … Read more

Young Man Interview – Importance of Values and Good Habits

Young Man Interview - Importance of Values and Good Habits

Young man arrived at office, for his first interview.  Young man used to live with his parents. He was frustrated with his parents nagging for every little thing he did at home. While waiting for interview, he was thinking, “Only if i succeed in today’s interview then i will say goodbye to my parents house … Read more

Be Good to Others!! Short Stories with Life Lesson

Echo in Hills - Short Stories with Life Lesson

Story 1: Man Complain – Everyone is Mean!! A man went to his Guru and said, “Guru ji, my wife children, relatives and people from work, Everyone is mean. What should i do?” Listening to this, Guru ji smiled and told him a story. He said, “Once in a village, there was a specials room … Read more

Stork and Farmer Story about Relying on Other for Work

Stork and Farmer Story about Relying on Other for Work

A pair of stork birds lived in a field near a village. Stork laid it’s eggs there. Eggs hatched, it was around time when crops in field were ripened. Stork got worried and wanted to leave with it’s children before farmer come to harvest fields but it’s children were too young to learn to fly. … Read more

Princess and Monk Difference in Thinking! Story abt Renunciation

Princess and Monk Difference in Thinking! Story about Renunciation

Long ago, there was a girl who despite being born in King’s family, had feelings of renunciation. When the princess got at age of getting married, King was not able to find a suitable groom for her marriage. Understanding the feelings of his daughter, the King, after much thought, got her married to a poor … Read more

Monk Question – Why People Shout at Other When Angry?

Monk Question to Disciple - Why People Shout at Other When Angry!

One day, a monk with his disciple reached bank of river. There they saw that, some people of a family were talking and suddenly started shouting at each other in anger. Seeing this monk asked his disciple, “Why people shout at each other, when angry?” Disciples replied, “Because person loses his peace in anger.” Monk … Read more

Bus Stuck in Tunnel – Story with Deep Meaning

Bus Stuck in Tunnel - Story with Deep Meaning

A school used to organise a fun trip for it’s student every year. This year also trip was planned for its young students. Everyone was excited for trip. On decided day, all kids gather and got on school bus. On time, bus left school premises. On way, there was a tunnel from which bus had … Read more

Greedy Landlord And Old Lady Story – Deep Meaning

Greedy Landlord And Old Lady Story - Deep Meaning

Once in a village lived a cunning landlord who owned a lot of land in village. He used to lend money to poor in exchange of mortgage of their land and used to take advantage of them by adding on interest to principle amount so that in end they had to surrender their piece of … Read more