Villagers Comment on Woman’s Character – Monk Reply

Villagers Comment on Woman's Character - Monk Reply

Once a monk visited a village. Many people visited him. Among many villagers was one woman who was despised by others. After talking for a while, woman invited him to her house for dinner. Monk humbly accepted the invitation and started following her. On way, when people saw that monk was going with that woman, … Read more

Young Man Desire to Get Fame – Sage Advice to Young Man

Young Man Desire to Get Fame - Sage Advice to Young Man

Long ago there was a young man who always used to visit Sages and Yogis. Once he stayed with a yogi and pleased with his service Yogi said, “If you have any wish, i can fulfil it.” Young man wanted to gain fame. He said, “I want to become powerful. I want to know the … Read more

Soil from Heaven – Monk and Kid Deep Meaning Story

Soil of Heaven - Monk and Kid Deep Meaning Story

A man was suffering from a lot of pain at time of his death. Seeing him, many people gathered there. Just then a monk came there, people standing there asked monk to give a solution so that that dying man could be free from pain. Monk said, “If soil from heaven is brought and applied … Read more

What is Value of Life? Man Question to Buddha

What is Value of Life Man Question to Buddha

A man went to Buddha and asked, “What is value of life?” Buddha gave him a shinning stone and said, “Go to market and find out about value of this stone and come back. But remember not to sell it to anyone.” Man went to market. First he met a fruit seller and showed him … Read more

Who is Most Religious Person? King Challenge to his Sons

Who is Most Religious Person King Challenge to his Sons

A King had four sons. One day, he called his sons and said, “Go and find a religious person and whoever will find the most religious person will get the throne.” After few days, his eldest son brought a Scholar who had knowledge of many religious scriptures. King welcomed him and appreciated his work. After … Read more

Guru’s Reward for Boy – Deep Meaning Story

Guru's Reward for Boy - Deep Meaning Story

Once a man bought a diamond to a King and said, “Maharaj! I want to sell this diamond.” King asked, “What’s price?” Man said, “Maharaj! Whatever you think is right price for this diamond.” King consulted ministers and jewelers about diamond price but no one could decide on value of diamond as it was a … Read more

How Sutra of Knowledge Saved Merchant! Anger Story

How Sutra of Knowledge Saved Merchant! Anger Story

Long time ago, after two years of marriage, a young man expressed to his wife, his desire to go abroad and do business. His wife agreed. Young man left for his journey. Young man reached foreign country and worked hard. There he earned a lot of money and became a rich merchant. After eighteen years, … Read more

If There is Little Extra Salt in Lemonade! Teacher Student Story

If There is Little Extra Salt in Lemonade! Teacher Student Story

There was a college student who was always quiet in class. He didn’t talk to anyone much and didn’t have any friends. One of his teacher noticed this. He called him out after class and asked, “I often see you sit silent, neither talking to anyone nor showing interest in anything. What is reason for … Read more

Needles of Clock – Story to Motivate Yourself to Work

Needles of Clock - Story to Motivate Yourself to Work

Ramu was fast asleep in his small room. Only ticking sound of clock was echoing in the quiet atmosphere of room. There was a clock kept on table. As soon as big needle of clock met the small needle, it said, “Hey, how are you small needle?” Small needle replied, “I am tired of walking. … Read more

Deceit of the Mind – Cat and Lamp Story

Deceit of the Mind - Cat and Lamp Story

A saint had kept a cat. During the evening Satsang, saint would light lamp and place it on cat’s forehead to dispel darkness of night. That cat was stay still for whole time and it would not let that lamp fall from her head. People who used to come to Satsang, used to get surprised … Read more

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