Young Man Question – Does Attending Satsang Bring Change?

Young Man Question - Does Attending Satsang Bring Change

Every evening, there was a crowd of devotees in the ashram of saint because his discourse (satsang) gave the right direction and understanding of life. A young man used to listen to his satsang everyday. One day when satsang was over, he went to saint and said, “Maharaj! I have been listening to your Satsang … Read more

Sage Arrogance vs Sadhana of a Household Woman

Sage Arrogance and Sadhana of a Household Woman

Leaving his old mother and helpless father, a man went to forest to do penance. After several years, he completed his penance. When he got up, after completing his Sadhana, he saw a crow flying with a baby bird in it’s beak. Seeing this, Sage looked at crow angrily and flames burst out of Sage’s … Read more

Two Boats and Temple on Other Side – Guru Disciple Story

Two Boats and Temple on Other Side - Guru Disciple Story

Once a Guru was telling his disciple a story. Story: There were a village on one side of river and a great and huge temple on other side of river. One day two friends Manu and Raja decided to visit temple. One of those friend Raja was very arrogant and other one Manu was humble … Read more

Man Question to Buddha – Why There is No Change in Me?

Man Question to Buddha - Why Still There is No Change in Me

Buddha used to give discourse on river bank. Many people used to come to listen to him. Everyone listened to him very attentively. A person used to come daily from far away to listen to Buddha’s discourse. One day, after discourse ended, he went to Buddha and said, “I listen to your teachings everyday but … Read more

Secret to Sleeping Better! Rich Man and Saint Story

Secret to Sleeping Better! Rich Man and Saint Story

Long time ago, in a city lived a rich man. He had immense wealth, a huge mansion and many servants to serve him. He had everything but still he couldn’t sleep at night. Even if he closed his eyes, he would have terrible dreams. He felt very restless. To cure this, he underwent many treatments … Read more

Man Crying Over Last Stone – Mahatma Wise Words

Man Crying Over Last Stone - Mahatma Wise Words

It was still dark in morning. A man came out for walk at river bank. After walking for while his foot hit a bag. Out of curiosity, man picked up that bag and put his hand in bag. On touching he found that bag was filled with stones. To pass time, man sat there and … Read more

Villagers Comment on Woman’s Character – Monk Reply

Villagers Comment on Woman's Character - Monk Reply

Once a monk visited a village. Many people visited him. Among many villagers was one woman who was despised by others. After talking for a while, woman invited him to her house for dinner. Monk humbly accepted the invitation and started following her. On way, when people saw that monk was going with that woman, … Read more

Young Man Desire to Get Fame – Sage Advice to Young Man

Young Man Desire to Get Fame - Sage Advice to Young Man

Long ago there was a young man who always used to visit Sages and Yogis. Once he stayed with a yogi and pleased with his service Yogi said, “If you have any wish, i can fulfil it.” Young man wanted to gain fame. He said, “I want to become powerful. I want to know the … Read more

Soil from Heaven – Monk and Kid Deep Meaning Story

Soil of Heaven - Monk and Kid Deep Meaning Story

A man was suffering from a lot of pain at time of his death. Seeing him, many people gathered there. Just then a monk came there, people standing there asked monk to give a solution so that that dying man could be free from pain. Monk said, “If soil from heaven is brought and applied … Read more

What is Value of Life? Man Question to Buddha

What is Value of Life Man Question to Buddha

A man went to Buddha and asked, “What is value of life?” Buddha gave him a shinning stone and said, “Go to market and find out about value of this stone and come back. But remember not to sell it to anyone.” Man went to market. First he met a fruit seller and showed him … Read more

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