Woman Reply to Chanakya..!

Chanakya Stories - Learning from Mistakes Interesting Story Anicent Indian

Chanakya was insulted at King Nanda’s kingdom and he wanted to take revenge for his insult. Soon, he meet a child name Chandragupta who was bright. Chanakya started to teach him. He collected enough money to raise an army for Chandragupta. He taught them about battle strategies and taught Chandragupta all about rights and duties … Read more

Scientist Childhood Story – Learning From Mistakes

Learning from Mistakes Moral Stories - Example of Good Parenting

Once a famous scientist was interviewed by a reporter. Reported asked him,”What do you think you set you apart from others?” He replied, “I think it all came from an experience that occured in my childhood. When i was 3 years old, i was trying to get a bottle of milk from refrigerator and while … Read more

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