Father and Son Race to Hilltop – Pebbles in Shoes

Father and Son Race to Hilltop - Pebbles in Shoes

A ten-year-old boy used to go on walk with his father every day, on a nearby hill. One day boy said, “Dad, let’s have a race today, one who touches top of hill first, wins the race.” Father agreed. Both of them started running toward hilltop. After running for some time, father suddenly stopped. Boy … Read more

Cost of Repair!! Company Owner n Engineer Story

Cost of Repair!! Company Owner n Engineer

Once a giant ship’s engine broke down. No one from company could repair it. So, company owner hired a mechanical engineer with over 40 years of experience, to check and repair it. Engineer came and inspected engine very carefully, from top to bottom. After checking, he unloaded his bag and pulled out a small hammer. … Read more

Clever Inspector and Thief Story

Thief and Inspector Thinking - Learning From Experience

In ancient times, there was a school to train local police. Students from many kingdoms came there to study. There Guru Dandapani would say, “It’s important to understand mindset of thief if you want to catch him. Once you understand how a thief thinks, it becomes easier to catch him. So, in order to catch … Read more

Genghis Khan and his Falcon Story

Genghis Khan and his Friend Falcon Story - Think Before you Act

One morning, Genghis khan went out for hunting with his companions. His companions carried bows and arrows where as Genghis khan carried his favorite falcon on his arm. He knew that his falcon was much better than any arrow because it could fly into skies and see everything that a human being couldn’t. Despite the … Read more

Sufi Saint – Overcome Disappointments!!

Sufi Saints Stories - Life Lessons abt Overcoming Disappointments Story

Once a famous Sufi saint was invited to give a lecture at a auditorium. Time decided to start lecture in morning was 9am.. On decided day, whole auditorium was full. Everyone was eager to listen to Sufi saint. At the time of lecture, one of organizer came on stage and said, “Saint, just woke up.. … Read more

Facing Challenges in Life – Student’s Test..!!

Facing Challenges in Life story - Best Encouraging Moral Stories for Kids

Once a teacher asked his two students to come and meet him at start of a track which was near a forest. Students reached there on decided time and greeted their teacher. Teacher showed them track and said, “You both have to start here and reach end point of track.. Completing this track will also … Read more

Sage and Sitar Story – Seeking Truth.!

Truth Seeking Short Stories - Revelation of Truth Moral Stories Life Lesson

Once a person wanted to seek for the truth of life. So in search of truth he went from place to place. At one place someone advised him to go a cave and look there. Man went to the cave where he met a sage. Sage told him about a village and said, “On crossroad … Read more

Father Son Story – Earning Money

Moral Lesson Stories - Father Son Valuable Lesson for Life Moral Story

Once in a city lived a very successful businessman. His only son who was still a young boy was lazy and fun loving. His son used to spend money with free hands and never even did any help in any work at home. Businessman wanted his son to learn about value of labor. So one … Read more

Advice from Old People..!!

Old People Wisdom Stories - True Wealth Best Moral Stories for Students

Once in old times young king of country thought that old people are unnecessary and burden to country as they are weak and unable to do any productive work. All his courtiers consisted of young people and they agreed with him. Soon King passed an order that all people above sixty must be killed as … Read more

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