Currently browsing:- Lao Tzu Teachings:

Old Man Wisdom - Confucius And Old Man Short Stories Lao Tzu Teaching

Confucius Story – Old Man Fitness..!

Once Confucius was passing by a village where he saw an old man with his young son pulling water from the well. Confucius was confused to see this as at that time people harness horses or oxen to pull water from the well. Confucius with concern went to old man and said, “Why are you…

Lao Tzu Teachings - Short Story of Lao Tzu Teachings abt Life Philosophy

Lao Tzu Teachings

Lao Tzu spent years meditating to understand essence of life. In reign of Zhao he realized that war would break out and will destroy place where he lived. So he made simplest possible choice and decided to move to another place. He took few of his belongings and set off. On his way to leaving,…

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