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21 Beneficial Facts about Drinking Water

21 Beneficial Facts about Drinking Water

Water makes up approximately 70% of a Human’s body weight. Bottled water in and of itself doesn’t cause the Teeth to decay but it usually doesn’t contain any Fluoride, which is added to Tap water to help prevent Tooth decay. Good Hydration can help reduce Cavities and tooth decay. Water helps produce Saliva, which keeps…

27 Interesting Facts about Fantastic Fruit Coconut

27 Interesting Facts about Fantastic Fruit Coconut

Just like Mangoes, Cashews and Cherries, the Coconut is actually a Drupe and not a Nut. The Drupe is an item that has a Fleshy outer around a pit. The Fairground pastime of Coconut shy, a Game consisting of Stacked coconuts and Balls to knock them down, has Photographic evidence of it being Played as…

13 Beneficial Facts about Mahamrityunjaya Mantra

13 Beneficial Facts about Mahamrityunjaya Mantra

Mahamrityunjaya Mantra is one among the Oldest and most important Mantra’s in Indian Mythology and Spirituality. This mantra belongs to Lord Shiva. It is also known as “Rudra Mantra” or “Trayambakam Mantra”. The Exact date for the Creation of this mantra cannot be told. However, we do know that it is very Ancient and was…

25 Amazing Facts about Meditation - Benefits of Meditation

25 Amazing Facts about Meditation

Evidence of Meditation was found by Archeologists and dated back to around 5,000 years ago and First written evidence of Meditation was found in the Vedas around 1500 BCE. The word ‘Meditation’ has Proto-Indo European origin meaning ‘Take Appropriate Measures’. One of the Earliest records of Meditation is a Wall art found in the Indus…

40 Fun n Interesting Facts about English Language n Words

40 Fun Facts about English Language n Words

English is One of the Most widely spoken Languages in the World. English actually Originates from what is now called North west Germany and the Netherlands. The Language that is Most closely related to English is Frisian. Old English first came into use way back in the 5th Century AD. The English Language Has Been…

20 Amazing n Interesting Facts about Diamonds

20 Amazing Facts about Diamonds

Diamonds were first Mined in India over 2800 years ago. Diamonds were used to Engrave Gemstones in India by 300 BCE. Ancient Hindus used Diamonds in the Eyes of Devotional statues and believed that a Diamond could Protect its wearer from Danger. The Ancient Greeks believed that Diamonds were Splinters of stars that has Fallen…

23 Interesting Facts about Panda

23 Interesting Facts about Panda

Pandas have Lived on Earth for two to three Million years. Many Chinese philosophers Believe that the Universe is made from two Opposing forces, the Yin and Yang. The Panda is one symbol of this Philosophy with its Contrasting black and white fur. In China, Giant pandas are considered to be National Treasures. The Giant…

Car Companies Logo and Name Facts

Car Companies Logo and Name Facts

The BMW Logo derives from the Company’s origin as an Airplane manufacturer. The now Iconic blue and white ‘Target sign’ represents a Spinning white propeller against a Blue sky. The Six Stars in the Subaru Logo are a reference to Pleiades, a Cluster of stars in the Constellation Taurus. Subaru is also Taurus’s name in…

16 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Hinduism

16 Amazing Facts about Hinduism

Hinduism is the Oldest religion in the World. The Earliest documents on Hinduism date back to 5,500 BCE. Hinduism isn’t the actual name for this Religion. Its Actual name is Santana Dharma, which means the Eternal way of Salvation. Time is separated into Four Yugas. At the end of the Fourth Yuga, All humans will…

21 Juicy Amazing and Interesting Facts about Fruits

21 Juicy Amazing Facts about Fruits

The Study of Fruits is called Pomology. Dried fruits have more Calories than Fresh fruits as the Process of drying Reduces the Water content and Volume. Eating an Apple is a more Reliable method of Staying awake than Consuming a cup of Coffee as it gives you more Energy. The Natural Sugar in an apple…

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