Why do we Suffer? Guru Disciple Story about Karma

Why do we Suffer? Guru Disciple Story about Karma

Why we got this life? Why do we suffer? One day, a Mahatma went to a walk with his disciple. Mahatma liked to speak less and do his work peacefully where as disciple was very agile. While walking, they were passing by a pond and there they saw that a fisherman was laying a trap … Read more

Businessman and Dog Story – How Karma Works

Businessman and Dog Story - How Karma Works

Once a successful businessman was getting ready to go to his office. He got out of his house and reached his car. As soon as he opened door of his car, a stray dog who was sleeping under his car suddenly came out and bit on his leg. Businessman got very angry and quickly picked … Read more

How Karma Works – Two Friends Story.!

How Karma Works Friends Story - Importance of Doing Good Moral Story

Once there were two friends, One was Gurmeet and other was Manpreet. They were very good friends. Gurmeet believed in God but Manpreet didn’t. Gurmeet would wake up early in morning, take bath and recite holy hymns and was always engaged in doing good works while Manpreet would stay in bed sound asleep and spend … Read more

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