King Demand’s and Clever Story Teller..!

King Demand and Clever Story Teller - Witty and Clever Thinking

Once upon a time, there was a King who was fond of stories. Many story tellers used to come to his court and tell him many stories. He would reward them with gold and gifts. One day, King asked his minister that next story teller must tell him a long story – a never ending … Read more

Clever Inspector and Thief Story

Thief and Inspector Thinking - Learning From Experience

In ancient times, there was a school to train local police. Students from many kingdoms came there to study. There Guru Dandapani would say, “It’s important to understand mindset of thief if you want to catch him. Once you understand how a thief thinks, it becomes easier to catch him. So, in order to catch … Read more

Airhostess Response to Woman..!

Airhostess Response to Woman - No One is Superior to Other

It’s scene from a flight. A white woman who was about 50 years old, was seated next to a black man. Disturbed by this, she called air hostess. Air hostess asked, “What is matter?” Woman responded, “Obviously, you don’t see it.. Then?” Pointing to black man who was seated beside her, she said, “You placed … Read more

Old Woman and Her Wish..!

Old Blind Woman and Her Wish - Interesting Story

Once in a village, lived a blind old woman with her son and daughter-in-law. They were very poor. Old woman used to pray to Lord Shiva everyday. Because of her prayers and devotion, one day, Lord Shiva appear before her and said, “I am moved by your devotion. I will grant you one wish. So … Read more

Master’s Mantra and Monkeys – Tibetan Story

Famous Tibetan Stories - Old Master Mantra and Monkeys Best Story

Very Interesting Story (Must Read) Once a man used to serve his old master, day and night. He would make food, bring water from well, massage his master’s feet and do all things for his master. Old master used to say, “Why are you wasting your time?” Old master knew that there must be some … Read more

Man’s Anxiety on Ship – Facing Fear

Story about Facing Fears - Man's Anxiety Solution Short Moral Story

Once Sultan of Dubai decided to travel by Sea with some of his favorite courtiers. All joined on decided day and sailed out into open sea. However, as ship moved away from land, one of his courtier, who had never seen been on sea before began to overcome with panic. Sitting on ship deck, he … Read more

Lost Donkey – Clever Boy Story

Clever Boy Story - Man and His Lost Donkey Moral Story Judging Others

Once a man was going to market with his donkey who was carrying two sacks of rice. After a while, man stopped on his way to rest under a tree. He tied his donkey near that tree. Rope was loosely tied. When he woke up from his nap, he couldn’t find his donkey around. Man … Read more

Test for Young Man – Logical Thinking..!

Stories Logical Thinking - Sage Test fr Young Man want to Study Vedas

Once a young man came to a renowned Indian Sage. He went to him and said, “I have come to you because i wish to study Vedas..” Sage asked, “Do you know Sanskrit?” “No”, young man replied. Sage asked, “Have you studied any Indian philosophy? Young man confidently said, “No but i just finished my … Read more

Lipstick Marks on Mirror – School Story

Interesting School Story - Solution for Lipstick Marks on Restroom Mirror

Once in a school, Girls started to leave kissing marks on mirror of restroom. Janitor was troubled by this because he had to clean them and it was difficult for him to clean that. Janitor asked girls to stop doing that and left notices on toilet walls asking girls to stop leaving lipstick marks on … Read more

Young Man Smart Thinking.!

Thinking Smartly Stories - Young man Terms to Be King Interesting Story

Long ago there was a kingdom where people would change it’s King every year. Person who become King had to agree to a term that – Once year is complete he can’t stay in that kingdom anymore and had to leave to a remote island filled with dangerous wild animals. Present King’s term was getting … Read more

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