Want to Reach Destination Quickly! Old Man Advice

Want to Reach Destination Quickly! Old Man Advice

A man crossed a river and saw an old man sitting there. He went to old man and asked, “How far is city from here?” Old man replied, “Not too far.” Man asked, “I have heard that city gates get closed as the sun sets. It’s almost evening now. Will i reach there?” Old man … Read more

Young Man Journey to Meet Sage – Problems of Others

Young Man Journey to Meet Sage - Problems of Others

Long ago, in a village lived a mother and son who were very poor. One day, mother got to know about a Sage who was very accomplished and person of great knowledge who lived far away in a forest. Mother asked his son to go to Sage and ask him, “When will these days of … Read more

King and Brahmin Story – Get Closer to God

King and Brahmin Story - Get Closer to God

A poor Brahmin saved some money for his daughter’s marriage. He went to a Seth and kept it with him, in trust, without any written document about it. After some years, when his daughter became eligible for marriage, Brahmin went back to Seth (money lender) to collect his money back. But Seth refused to recognize … Read more

Man Jumped in River to Catch! Story about Bad Habits

Man Jumped in River to Catch! Story about Bad Habits

Story 1: Man Trying to get Blanket from River! Once a man was sitting with his friends on the river bank. Just then man saw a blanket floating in the river. As soon as man saw that blanket, he jumped into the river to catch it. After a while, he felt as if that blanket … Read more

Why Not to Condemn Others? King and Sin Story

Why Not to Condemn Others King and Sin Story

Once upon a time, there was a King who decided that he would feed kheer (milk pudding) to 100 blind people every day. But one day a snake entered royal kitchen and put its mouth in the milk containing kheer and poisoned it. That day, all blind people who ate that kheer died. When King … Read more

Triple Filter Test – Scholar Advice to Man

Triple Filter Test - Scholar Advice to Man

Once a man came to scholar and said, “Do you know what i have heard about your friend!” Scholar interrupted him and said, “Wait a minute! Before you tell me anything to me about my friend. I want you to do a three filter test.” That man curiously asked, “Three filter test? What do you … Read more

Akbar Punishment to Servant Who Lied

Akbar Punishment to Servant Who Lied

One day, while cleaning in Emperor Akbar’s bedroom, one of vase fell from hand of servant and broke. Servant got scared because it was Akbar’s favorite vase. Servant gathered all the pieces and secretly threw them. When Akbar came to bedroom, he found his favorite vase missing. He called servant and asked about it. Out … Read more

Monkey and Bell – Story about Rumor

Monkey and Bell - Story about Rumor

A village was situated on the edge of the forest which was prosperous and people of the village were leading a peaceful life. The villagers had built a temple in the middle of the village, where they used to worship everyday. There was a big bell at the entrance of the temple. One night, a … Read more

What’s Currency for Heaven? (Must Read)

What's Currency for Heaven? (Must Read)

Once a man worked hard all his life and by the time he reached age of 50, he had opened many companies and became one of the biggest industrialist of the city. One day, while traveling in his car, his driver played a satsang audio. In satsang, Saint said – No matter how much you … Read more

Value of Glass of Water – Alexander and Saint Story

Value of Glass of Water - Alexander and Saint Story

When Alexander returned to India, he went to meet a Saint, seeing Alexander coming to him, Saint started laughing. Alexander felt insulted. He said to Saint angrily, “Either you don’t know me or your death had come.. Don’t you know who i am? I am great Alexander..” Saint started laughing even louder. He said to … Read more

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