Old Woman Cleaning Turtle Shell! Boy Question to Her

Old Woman Cleaning Turtle Shell! Boy Question to Her

Early morning, a boy used to go for a run. During his run he would pass by a pond. Somedays, he used to see an old lady, cleaning back of small turtles living at that pond. Boy saw her many times and started wondering what could be the reason. So, one day, boy went to … Read more

Cashier Mistake and Customer’s Dilemma

Once a man went to bank to withdraw some money. Customer filled form and gave to cashier. Cashier processed form and gave customer his withdrawn money. When customer took money, he realized that cashier had given him 1,40,000rs instead of 1,20,000 which he had filled in form. Customer saw that cashier had no idea of … Read more

Who Have Most Beautiful Hands? Old Woman Answer

Old Woman Answer - Most Beautiful Hands

Long time ago, some rich and beautiful women were sitting on the bank of river enjoying picnic. After a while when they were washing their hands and feet in cool and clean water of the river, they saw their reflection. Seeing their reflection in water, they started to admire their own beauty. Just then one … Read more

King Question and Kid Reply – Story with Twist

King Question and Kid Reply - Story with Twist

Once in a Kingdom, there was Priest who was famous for his intelligence and wisdom. One day, King invited Priest to his court. When Priest reached King’s court, they had deep discussions on many subject. When he was about to leave, King said, “Pandit ji, If you allow i want to ask you one thing.” … Read more

Why One Should Not React to Verbal Abuse?

One Should React or Not to Abuse - Mother Son Story

Once in a morning, in a village, a boy and his mother were going to market just then a woman came. She stood in front of them blocking their way and started abusing boy’s mother. That woman uttered a lot of abusive words to boy’s mother but even after hearing those abuse, boy’s mother didn’t … Read more

How does a person become GREAT? Inspiring

How does a person become GREAT? Inspiring

One day, a little boy asked his father, “What does word Great means?” Boy said, “I have read many time that this person is great, he did this and that. Please explain me who are these great people and how they become great?” Father said, “Okay.” Father thought of a idea to teach his son … Read more

Young Man Interview – Appreciating Parents Efforts

Young Man Interview - Appreciating Parents Efforts Inspiring

Once a young man went to apply for a managerial position in a big company. He passed written exam as well as initial interview. Now, he had to go for final interview for which he had to face an interview with Director of company. Director discovered from young man’s CV that his academic achievements were … Read more

Old Lady Problem and Man’s Help – Helping Others Inspiring Story

Old Lady Problem and Man's Help - Helping Others Inspiring Story

Once a man was driving by a road, when he saw an old lady, stranded on side of road. It was evening time, light was dim still man could see that she needed help. So he pulled up his car in front of her Mercedes and got out of his car. Then he approached her. … Read more

Painter Job and Hole in Boat – Inspiring Story

Painter Job and Hole in Boat - Small Help Heartwarming Story

Once a boat owner decided to get his boat paint. So one day, he called a painter and asked him to paint his boat. Painter bought with him paint and brushes and began to paint boat with bright red color as owner asked him. While painting boat, he realized that there was a hole in … Read more

Swami Vivekananda – Sadhu Arrogance

Swami Vivekananda Story - Real Life Incident Short Inspirational Stories

It had happened after Swami Vivekananda ji had returned after his great address at world parliament of religion and everyone in country knew about him. Vivekananda was wandering near Himalayas and came across a river. There he saw that boat had already left the bank. So he sat by shore to wait for boat to … Read more

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