Elderly Couple and Clerk Story – Be Kind and Helpful

Old man and Clerk Inspiring Story about Helping Others - Story of Waldorf Astoria Hotel

Many years ago, on stormy night an elderly man and his wife entered in a small hotel in Philadelphia, USA. Trying to get out of rain, couple approached front desk hoping to get a room. Husband said, “Could you possibly give us a room here?” Clerk, a friendly man, looked at the couple and said, … Read more

Inspirational Story of Enrico Caruso

Inspirational Story of Enrico Caruso - Hardwork n Success Story

Once upon a time in city of Naples in Italy, a young boy of about eleven years old who used to live with his mother. They were very poor, so both of them had to work so that they can earn enough money to buy their daily needs. Boy used to work in factory. Young … Read more

Inspiring Story – Benjamin Carson

Benjamin Carson Story - Inspirational Stories for Kids to Learn Life Lesson

There was little kid who used to study in 5th grade. Everyone in his class thought that he was one of dumbest kid in his class. His grades were so less that he himself thought same. His report card showed his poor progress in his class but that didn’t bother him. He used to say … Read more

Inspiring Story of Karoly Takacs

Inspirational Story of World Best Shooter - Story of Will and Determination

Karoly TakacsĀ of the Hungarian Army, was top pistol shooter in the world for men’s 25 metre rapid fire pistol. He had won many national and international championship in shooting. He was preparing for Olympics 1940 and was expected to win Gold for his nation. But one day in 1938 during his army session a hand … Read more

KFC Colonel Sander’s Inspirational Story!!

Real Life Inspirational Stories - KFC Owner Success Story Short

Sander’s was born in 1890. When sander’s was 5 yrs old, he lost his father. His mother who was housewife had to go out to work to earn for family and sander’s had to take care of his siblings. He used to look after and cook for them. By age of 7 his skills got … Read more

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