Story of Sant Malukdas – Real Salvation

Story of Sant Malukdas - Real Salvation

Malukdas was an atheist. One day a Saint came to village and stayed there. Saint used to narrate Ramayana to people. Every morning and evening people used to visit him and enjoy Ram Katha. One day, by chance Malukdas also reached there. At that time, Saint was telling glory of Shri Ram and said – … Read more

Incident between Indian Man and Britishers on Train

Incident between Indian Man and Britishers on Train

A train was running at high speed. In a compartment, an Indian man was also sitting with the Britishers. All Britishers were making fun of that Indian man. Some were laughing at him seeing his dress and calling him coward, while some were getting angry and shouting, cursing at the management that why an Indian … Read more

Woman Reply to Chanakya..!

Chanakya Stories - Learning from Mistakes Interesting Story Anicent Indian

Chanakya was insulted at King Nanda’s kingdom and he wanted to take revenge for his insult. Soon, he meet a child name Chandragupta who was bright. Chanakya started to teach him. He collected enough money to raise an army for Chandragupta. He taught them about battle strategies and taught Chandragupta all about rights and duties … Read more

Bhai Lalo and Malik Bhago Story

Bhai Lalo and Malik Bhago Story - Guru Nanak Dev Ji Stories in English

Guru Nanak Dev JI used to travel to a number of places. Once he was on his way to Saidpur, before he could arrive there, word spread in whole city that a holy man is going to visit. Malik Bhago who was chief of town at that time was a corrupt person and earned a … Read more

Swami Vivekananda – Sadhu Arrogance

Swami Vivekananda Story - Real Life Incident Short Inspirational Stories

It had happened after Swami Vivekananda ji had returned after his great address at world parliament of religion and everyone in country knew about him. Vivekananda was wandering near Himalayas and came across a river. There he saw that boat had already left the bank. So he sat by shore to wait for boat to … Read more

Idol Worship Significance..

Idol Worship Significance - Swami Vivekananda Life Stories for Learning

In 1891, State of Alwar was ruled by Maharaja who was not a believer of idol worship. It was heard that he often made fun of idol worship just to appease britishers. Swami Vivekananda was invited by, Dewan (Minister) of State of Alwar, to palace to discuss problems of people with Maharaja. On meeting, Maharaja … Read more

Be Proud of Who You Are

Madan Mohan Malviya Story - Be Proud of Who You Are Inspirational Stories Indian

Once Vice chancellor of Calcutta university sent a letter to Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya in appreciation of his work. When Malviya ji received that letter, he was with a friend. After reading letter Malviya ji said, “This is an awful proposal. What shall I tell? What shall I write?” On seeing his reaction, his friend … Read more

Lal Bahadur Shastri ji Inspirational Story

Lal Bahadur Shashtri Story - Inspirational Stories abt Honesty of Indian Personalities

Once Shri Lal Bahadur Shashtri ji went to a textile mill and he was accompanied by owner of mill. After going around mill, Shashtri ji went to see warehouse of that mill. There he saw some sarees on display. Seeing those, Shashtri ji requested owner of mill to show him some sarees. Owner was happy … Read more

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