Who is Giver? Two Beggars and King Story

Who is Giver Two Beggars and King Story

Long ago, in a city lived two beggars Kripal and Jagat. Every morning, they both would go to King’s palace for alms. Kripal would go there and call out saying, “Giver is God, we all are his children.” Where as Jagat would go there and call out saying, “Giver is King, he will get me … Read more

Planting Seed in Garden! Motivational Story for Young People

Planting Seed in Garden! Motivational Story for Young People

Arun had no patience at all. He would start a work, do it for few days and then close it and start another work. Many years had passed like this and he had not yet been able to settle down in any business. Arun’s parents were very upset with his habit of his. Seeing no … Read more

God’s Will and Apple from Heaven – God and Little Girl Story

God's Will and Apple from Heaven - God and Little Girl Story

Once there an announcement was made from Heaven that God is coming to distribute apples. So, everyone got ready and stood in line to recieve apple from God. A little girl was very curious because she was going to see God for first time. She was happy with thought of seeing God and getting an … Read more

Feel Like Nothing Left in Life? Old Man Inspirational Story 

Feel Like Nothing Left in Life Old Man Inspirational Story 

After his wife died, Ramu was left alone in this world. His only son used to live far way and didn’t even came for his mother’s last rites. Ramu age was sixty five and losing his wife and seeing his son behaviour, he felt as if there was nothing left for him. With time, Ramu … Read more

Competition to Climb Tree – Frog Story about Others Comment

Competition to Climb Tree - Frog Story about Others Comment

Once upon a time, many frogs lived in a pond. Among those frogs there was a King. One day King frog decided do to a competition. There was tree in a pond. King frog said, “Whoever climbs this tree will be called victorious.” This competition was accepted by all frogs and competition was organised the … Read more

King Stuck in Difficult Situation – Monk Advice

King Stuck in Difficult Situation - Monk Advice

Once a Monk was pleased with service of King. Before leaving, he gave King a tails man and said, “Always keep it with you and whenever such a situation comes in life, you feel everything is going to end now, if you feel yourself trapped, when there is despair and frustration, then you open this … Read more

Two Paintings Depicting Peace!

Two Paintings Depicting Peace! Life Lesson

Once there was King who was very fond of paintings. So, one day he made an announcement in his kingdom that – Any painter who would make and bring painting that depicts peace best way, will be rewarded. On decided day, many painters reached King’s palace with their paintings. King looked at all the paintings … Read more

Missing Goat Number 3 – You Looking for it too?

Missing Goat Number 3 - You Looking for it too?

In class 5, there were two very mischievous children Ravi and Laksh who used to go to school together. One day, Ravi said to Laksh, “Bro, i have an idea.. so that we don’t have to attend classes tomorrow.” Laksh asked curiously, “Tell me.. What’s the idea?” Ravi pointed toward a direction and said, “Look … Read more

Old Man And Scorpion Story – God’s Ways

Old Man And Scorpion Story - God's Ways

Once an old man was walking by bank of the river. There he saw that a tortoise came out from the river on edge of river bank. When tortoise stopped at edge of river bank, a scorpion who was sitting at edge, jumped on its back. Old man saw that, after scorpion sat on tortoise … Read more

Troubles in Life? Trust God.. Husband Wife Story

Troubles in Life Trust in God Husband Wife Story

A devout Indian couple used to live in England. Husband was running a successful business. But one day husband suffered a big loss in business, losing all his money. From that day onward, his interest in eating, drinking, family and everything ended. He would stay immersed in just worry round the clock. His wife was … Read more

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