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26 Short Motivational Quotes by Helen Keller

26 Short Motivational Quotes by Helen Keller

Helen Keller was born Deaf and Blind but powered her way through life to become an Impactful Speaker, Author and Activist. Recognized by President Johnson for her work with the Women’s Suffrage Movement.   We are Never really Happy until we try to Brighten the Lives of others. One can never Consent to creep, When…

22 Patriotic Inspirational Quotes by Bhagat Singh

22 Patriotic Inspirational Quotes by Bhagat Singh

Bhagat Singh was an Indian Socialist Revolutionary whose two acts of Dramatic violence against the British in India and Execution at age 23 made him a Folk hero of the Indian Independence.   Lovers, Lunatics and Poets are made of same Stuff. Revolution is an inalienable right of Mankind. Freedom is an imperishable Birth right…

25 Spiritually Inspirational Quotes by Sadhguru

25 Spiritually Inspirational Quotes by Sadhguru

Man needs Entertainment simply to hide his Madness. If he was perfectly Sane, He would Not need Entertainment. To be Human means you can Mold situations you are Living in the Way you want them. Learning to listen is the Essence of intelligent Living. Confidence and Stupidity are a very Dangerous combination but They generally…

18 Quotes by Nikola Tesla - Science Quotes

18 Quotes by Nikola Tesla

If you Want to find the Secrets of the Universe, Think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration. If you only knew the Magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9 then you would have the Key to the Universe. If your Hate could be turned into Electricity, it would Light up the Whole world. All…

21 Best Motivational Quotes by Chinese Philosopher Confucius

21 Best Motivational Quotes by Chinese Philosopher Confucius

Looking at Small Advantages prevents Great affairs from being Accomplished. When it is Obvious that the Goals cannot be Reached, Don’t adjust the Goals, Adjust the Action steps. Be Strict with yourself but Least Reproachful of others and Complaint is kept afar. Learn as if you were not Reaching your Goal and as Though you…

20 Motivating Quotes - Words of Wisdom by Confucius

20 Motivating Quotes – Words of Wisdom by Confucius

The Superior man makes the Difficulty to be Overcome his First Interest, Success only comes Later. The Superior man is Distressed by the Limitations of his Ability. He is not Distressed by the fact that men do not Recognize the Ability that he has. The Object of the Superior man is Truth. The Superior man…

14 Inspirational Thoughts and Quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson

14 Inspirational Thoughts by Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Good news is that the Moment you decide that What you know is More important than what you have been Taught to Believe, You will have Shifted Gears in your Quest for abundance. Success comes from Within, not from Without. Better to know a Few things which are Good and Necessary than many things…

21 Motivational Quotes by Coco Chanel - Fashion Desinger

21 Motivational Quotes by Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel was a French fashion designer and a Businesswoman who is Famous for her Timeless designs, Trademark suits and Little black dresses. Her designs emphasized Simplicity and Comfort that transformed the Fashion industry.   The Most Courageous act is still to Think for Yourself. Aloud. In Order to be Irreplaceable, One must always be…

15 Motivational and Inspirational Quotes by Aristotle for Life

15 Motivational Quotes by Aristotle

Aristotle was an Ancient Greek philosopher who Studied under the famous Scholar Plato. He was an Extremely curious Individual writing works on Poetry, Science and Animals which has Led to him being considered the “Father of Western Philosophy.”   Anyone can become Angry – that is Easy. But to be Angry with the Right Person,…

22 Anne Frank Inspirational and Motivational Short Quotes

22 Anne Frank Inspirational Short Quotes

Anne Frank is one of the most Discussed and Famous Victims of the Holocaust. The Jewish teenager Journal-ed her World War II experiences in a Diary that later became One of the most widely Read books in the world. Anne Frank’s diary is a Record of her understanding of the War and Showcases her incredible…

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