Is there a Person who is Great but Not Famous?

Is there a Person who is Great but Not Famous - King and Scholar

One day, King came to meet a scholar and asked, “Is there such a person in this world who is great but people of world don’t know about him?” Scholar smiled and politely replied to King, “We do know most of great people of the world. There are many people in the world who are … Read more

Stolen Watch – Teacher Student Heart Touching Story

Stolen Watch - Teacher Student Heart Touching Story

An old man was sitting in the park. “Sir! remember me?”, asked man who came and stood beside him. Old man asked, “Who?” Man replied, “Sir, i was your student, 20 years ago.” “Oh! Son i can’t see well these days and my memory also became weak. That’s why i can’t recognize you. Come sit … Read more

Old Postman and Little Girl Heart Touching Story

Old Postman and Little Girl Heart Touching Story

One day an elderly postman knocked on door of a house and said, “Take the letter..” As soon as he said this, a little girl’s voice echoed from inside, “I am coming now.. please wait.” But even after 5 minutes no one came. Postman again said, “Is there anyone tho take your letter? I have … Read more

Reason Blacksmith Refused Merchant Offer

Reason Blacksmith Refused Merchant Offer

Once upon a time, there was a carpenter who used to work for a merchant in a distant city. One day while working his saw broke. Carpenter needed to get a new saw as soon as possible. So he went to a near by village and looked for a blacksmith. Carpenter came to know that … Read more

Guru Ji Test for Disciples – Utilizing Resources

Guru Ji Test for Disciples - Utilizing Resources

Once a Guru had three main disciples. As Guru ji was getting old, he decided to chose one of them as his successor. To test the intelligence of three, one day he called them and said, “Listen, I am going to a pilgrimage for a few months. Here are three bag with seeds inside them. … Read more

Three Teachers – Story about Learning from Others

Three Teacher - Story about Learning from Others

Long ago, in a village lived a Sage who was very famous and had many disciples. One day one of his disciples came to him and asked, “Guru Ji, who is your Guru(Teacher)? From whom did you gain your knowledge?” Sage smiled at disciples question and replied, “I have thousands of Guru! If i start … Read more

Old Lady Problem and Man’s Help – Helping Others Inspiring Story

Old Lady Problem and Man's Help - Helping Others Inspiring Story

Once a man was driving by a road, when he saw an old lady, stranded on side of road. It was evening time, light was dim still man could see that she needed help. So he pulled up his car in front of her Mercedes and got out of his car. Then he approached her. … Read more

Farmer and Nobleman Story – Always do Good

Farmer and Nobleman Story - Always do Good Inspirational Short Story

Once there was a poor Scottish farmer. One day, while working, he heard a cry for help from near by bog. He dropped his tools and ran to bog. There he saw a boy terrified and screaming stuck in bog up to waist. He was struggling to free himself. Farmer quickly acted and saved boy … Read more

Old Artist Learning – Never Give Up Story

Never Give Up Story - Old Artist Persistance n Learning New Thing Story

Once lived a skilled artist named Shikaki. With his expertise and interest, he made an beautiful ink pot to present it to the King. Seeing that beautiful ink pot, he expected that King would encourage him and appreciate his skill as far as possible. With countless hopes and desire, he presented that ink pot to … Read more

Two Boys Story – Motivational

Two Boys Story - Motivational Short Stories, Believe in Urself Moral Story

In a village, lived two very good friends one was Mintu whose age was 5 and other was Shinu whose age was 10. They used to do everything together like playing, sleeping, eating. Younger one was smarter and lean where as elder one was stronger and bulky. One day there were playing and running behind … Read more

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